Über Member
Never seen the film or heard of the character.
How sad ! That's very annoying that you don't or haven't known Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Never seen the film or heard of the character.
How sad ! That's very annoying that you don't or haven't known Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
How sad ! That's very annoying that you don't or haven't known Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Never seen the film or heard of the character.
Use of the word "undertake" to mean overtake on the wrong side.
Car drivers who overtake you then immediately need to brake and stop as they are too wide to fit through a construction ahead whilst you are not.
The cleaner has just done the gents bog at work and has used enough bleach to stop an outbreak of the Bubonic plague in it's tracks!
Gawd, me 'ooter's going mad. That's not cleaning, that's chemical warfare*.
*Not the usual kind that goes on in there.
Car drivers that dawdle at 20mph and then scrape through an orange light leaving you sat a a red light...
Drivers in a long line to turn left (right for the UK) at a light and they wait until the car in front has exited the intersection before starting their turn, oblivious to the needs of the 10 drivers behind them also trying to make it through the light.
Even at cycling speed I find that people suddenly appear in front of me as I turn into side roads so I reckon that drivers slowing down to do it makes a lot of sense! Why is everyone in such a hurry these days?People who slow to a crawl before turning into a side road...