Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
This is a point I alluded to some time back. The GLW doesn't drive. If she chooses not to renew her passport this year, how can she provide photo ID which appears to be a mandatory requirement for many transaction now - ? :whistle:
An expired passport is still sufficient in many circumstances as proof of ID and age.


Firm and Fruity
I haven’t moved house since 1994 and so can’t use my licence for ID as it doesn’t have a photo

Does a paper one never expire then?
I doubt you could hire a car abroad with just the old paper one.


I jusr recently watched the comedy VAR.

The Clattenburg Suite is in full operation again tonight. The farce is the 'referees union' thing. It is getting crazier by the day with 'very unclear' clear being deemed 'clear' far too often.
Including those twerps who resist ID cards but have store loyalty cards and give up so much more information for a few pence on a bag of dog biscuits.
Especially if they pay via their mobile phone.

I think you're being a silly sausage here - ID cards are a pretty massive step beyond me using a Clubcard (or whatever). I don't NEED a Clubcard to buy a bag of dog biscuits. Or to buy a dog. Or buy a loaf of bread for my family. Or to get on a train. Or get a job...
[How long have you got to continue this ??]

p.s. this doesn't mean I LIKE how supermarkets are abusing the loyalty systems.
You can get a PASS card for £15 from either the Post Office or direct from Citizencard.

Thanks - I didn't know that. And especially that they allow you to "Fly within the UK and Ireland" - even though I HAVE a passport, I've always objected to being required to use one for flying (even when the Airlines have no legal requirement to check them. And even though I may never fly again, but that's a different thread ... )


£15? Think this should be in the " how much....." posts

One of my brothers ( sadly no longer with us ) used to carry a passport sized photo in his wallet and would use it if asked for ID. He was quite a plausible chap and he could keep the conversation about " why isn't it valid, you can see it's me " going for ages. 😁


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Thanks - I didn't know that. And especially that they allow you to "Fly within the UK and Ireland" - even though I HAVE a passport, I've always objected to being required to use one for flying (even when the Airlines have no legal requirement to check them. And even though I may never fly again, but that's a different thread ... )
If you happen to have another form of photo ID, that IME, can also be used to fly within the UK and Ireland. I used my work security pass which had my name and photo, a few times when flying within the UK.
If you happen to have another form of photo ID, that IME, can also be used to fly within the UK and Ireland. I used my work security pass which had my name and photo, a few times when flying within the UK.

Given how easy it would be to forge such a thing (or you could print your own passes if you are self-employed!), just shows how farcical airline checks are. [I just really detest gatekeepers in general, and airports are full of them; a load of arbitrary rules that just didn't exist back in the early days of commercial flight. I honestly won't miss airports if I never fly again!]
If you happen to have another form of photo ID, that IME, can also be used to fly within the UK and Ireland. I used my work security pass which had my name and photo, a few times when flying within the UK.

This would make sense; in the US residents use driving licences to go through gates at airports. My ID is good for all travel in the EU, and Egypt for some reason, but not the UK because I have to enter the UK using my British Passport.


All at sea⛵
This would make sense; in the US residents use driving licences to go through gates at airports. My ID is good for all travel in the EU, and Egypt for some reason, but not the UK because I have to enter the UK using my British Passport.

Another Brexit bonus along with unicorns in Richmond Park, cracked economy and a Blue Passport

Greasy Gilbert

I know nothing so feel free to contradict me.
Supermarket check out ladies who scan your item then say "ooh i aint tried these what are they like?"
Oh yeah and Aldi checkout operatives who fling your stuff through at warp speed.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Given how easy it would be to forge such a thing (or you could print your own passes if you are self-employed!), just shows how farcical airline checks are. [I just really detest gatekeepers in general, and airports are full of them; a load of arbitrary rules that just didn't exist back in the early days of commercial flight. I honestly won't miss airports if I never fly again!]
Possibly. But I would imagine the airline staff wouldn't just accept (say) a photo ID run off using an old free copy of Windows Publisher and PVA glued to an expired credit card.
And if you are going to the trouble and expense of producing something which looks "official", it would probably be easier to just take a passport or bite the bullet and pay for one the IDs mentioned earlier.
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