My sister said that she has just ordered two; one for each door. I asked how they are powered and attached to the door but she didn't know. If they use rechargeable batteries and are screwed on from the outside then surely someone could just unscrew them and walk off with them!
I don't fancy owning one. I would rather remain in blissful ignorance about what dodgy people are up to next to my home until I absolutely have to know (when they are inside)!
They seem like a good idea
until you realise that if you can see your bell camera from anywhere in the World - then it pretty much has to be "in the Cloud"
which is marketing tech speke for it being on someone else's computer - which you must rent space on in some disguised way
and this also allows other people to see it - if they are authorised - or know how to bypass the authorisation
I quite like the idea of a door camera front and back - but I want it isolated to just somewhere I control so no-one else can access it.
If I really need to be able to see it from Tristan Da Cuna then I will put some remote access system on my desktop and use that to access my desktop - which can then look at the camera footage
and not have some big international company sort it out
I have come across several school where a teacher - sometimes quite senior - have brought a Ring doorbell in so it can be installed on the front door to help reception
The IT people have looked at things like security, GDPR and safeguarding and refused to let it anywhere near the network.
I know these people and they know a lot about this stuff - and they don;t trust Ring!