Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Early STD was letters, our number was SUT…. for Sutton then 4 numbers

Okay, it was numbers in the 1970s even though letters were on the dial.. Manchester codes were 061 xxxx back then, with 061 being the std code. I presume we are talking much earlier?
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Even easier then!

What do you mean by ARR? I presume you’re not from UK or you’d have said STD then phone number?

No - not that I know of
Initially your number was 3 letters for the exchange followed by 4 numbers

the bit that became the STD was not something I came across as a kid but I think originally you needed to ring the operator - I remember my Dad having to do it to ring his old nurse from the spinal injuries unit during the war - they always talked on Christmas day

at some point the ARR (arrowbrook exchange) changed to 677 and 678
and at some point - whcih may have been the same - we had a 051 (later became 0151) for Liverpool (my Mum was not happy about THAT!!)
I think at that point you could also start ringing other cities without going via the operator

or at least that is what I remember
I only ever need to ring close family and later on friends - so I didn;t need or want to know much more at the time

just to add - I was born in 1960 so became aware of phone numbers probably mid to late 60s
Okay, it was numbers in the 1970s even though letters were on the dial.. Manchester codes were 061 xxxx back then, with 061 being the std code. I presume we are talking much earlier?

Certainly pre ‘67.

BITD we used to have a party line too. This was shared with another house so when you picked up to dial, you had to check no-one was already talking


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Certainly pre ‘67.

BITD we used to have a party line too. This was shared with another house so when you picked up to dial, you had to check no-one was already talking

Those were the days. I remember that if you wanted to make an international call you had to call the operator and book it in advance. We didn't have a home phone at that time so I had the hassle of asking my employer if I could, and then sorting out the payment. Fortunately they were understanding. In fact for many years one had to ask permission to make any sort of call.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
When we came to Tobermory in 1972 it was not necessary to know local numbers, you just asked for the person by name and the exchange tracked them down even if not at home.
Sometimes we got calls from the exchange “ have you seen so and so this morning ? “
Having to use actual letters and numbers came as a great shock to many.


Heavy Metal Fan
I only remember 4 digit telephone numbers. Our family home was (e.g.) 1234 up until the late 80's, then it had a 7 prefix and remains a 5-digit number to this day. It used to be annoying when a bank or company would ask for your number, you'd quote it and then they'd say it's wrong because it's too short!


This isn't so much an annoying thing to me as amusing because of the apparent selectiveness.
As has been noted, the use of American sayings / terms; 'guys' for a mixed sex group or just lasses, 'movies' instead of 'fims' is becoming widespread over here, probably to do with so many American programmes, flims etc. which seem to be so popular. Not forgetting the now common sight of seeing men wearing baseball caps or similar in cafes, restaurants and bars. :dry:
However, most still appear to be loyal to the term 'mobile phone' or 'mobile' instead of 'cellphone' - ! :rofl:
When I had a proper job - i.e. before teaching - I was a programmer
When I was a junior programmer I had to set up a screen for the customer's phone number and the Systems Analyst had omitted to specify the length
(along the programmers the title Analyst was not regarded as a compliment y)
I asked around about how many characters and where any spaces should be
and got a wide variety of answers
as this was pre WWW - and hence before Google (someone pick the young people up from the floor due to shock) - and even before AltaVista!!!!

so I thought and went down to the telephone switchboard and asked there - and got a far more complete answer than I bargained for

we ended up allowing (I think) 13 numbers and one space in there somewhere


Legendary Member
London, UK
Idiotic adverts on YouTube. Note I didn't say the number of adverts (which is bad enough), but the types of adverts - the ones that are not allowed on normal TV coz they have standards, but you can get away with it on YouTube.

Get rich quick schemes, the incredible engineers who left a major company to set up their own heating business, the miracle heating system that will miraculously rescue your energy costs, and so on.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Idiotic adverts on YouTube. Note I didn't say the number of adverts (which is bad enough), but the types of adverts - the ones that are not allowed on normal TV coz they have standards, but you can get away with it on YouTube.

Get rich quick schemes, the incredible engineers who left a major company to set up their own heating business, the miracle heating system that will miraculously rescue your energy costs, and so on.
I watch a lot of stuff on YouTube. I think it is right that the video creators get paid but I can't stand the ads so I am a YouTube Premium subscriber. I don’t see any ads but the creators get a cut from my subs.

Increasingly though, mid-video, "... a word from our sponsor"! I do not feel obliged to watch those plugs and so just skip them.
Idiotic adverts on YouTube. Note I didn't say the number of adverts (which is bad enough), but the types of adverts - the ones that are not allowed on normal TV coz they have standards, but you can get away with it on YouTube.

Get rich quick schemes, the incredible engineers who left a major company to set up their own heating business, the miracle heating system that will miraculously rescue your energy costs, and so on.

Yes, it's like a snake-oil salespeople's convention there at times, and the scary thing is that there are people who'll believe all that carp and end up with their house on fire from the 'miracle heater', or holes in all their clothes from the 'infallible stain remover' ...

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member

Taken off a local Facebook page just now. How many times must they be told to keep dogs on a lead when near sheep, especially pregnant ewes!!:angry:

3 h ·

Another dog attack on our sheep grazing near land at Dean Clough Reservoir. Resulting in one dead sheep and one injured.
The owner has been very co-operative with us, stayed at the scene and was extremely distraught. She couldn't believe her pet dog would chase sheep , let alone attack one.
As farmers we hear this all the time. Never under estimate what your dog is capable of.
If you see me around Dean Clough and think I'm being over reactive about your dog being off lead, this is why!
Please just keep dogs on leads when walking on farmland.

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