Facebook users who do this:

To the person who....... [insert whatever wrongdoing the user believes the person did - perhaps to do with driving or dog poo or noisy kids]".
Do these Facebook users really believe the person who slighted them will read the comment, come to their senses and apologise? No, they don't. These people have a need to be SEEN to have a moral high ground, and they are often backed up in the comments by similar other people who also throw in their two penn'orth, and describe other situations of being wronged by a stranger.
They may even be the same people who have a need to be seen wishing a household family member happy birthday. I simply mention it directly to the appropriate family member, face-to-face, perhaps backed up with a card or gift - I don't see the need to broadcast my saying happy birthday to the internet in order to be seen as being somehow thoughtful or loving or whatever.
Then there are the people who need to be seen to be complaining about how other people use the internet...