People who walk to the top of Mam Tor by 04:45 for a peaceful view of the sun rising beside Back Tor and then start flying a friggin' drone!!
Bl00dy thing needed swatting!
Because that peaceful view of the sun rising beside Back Tor is marred by a friggin' noisy drone buzzing about overhead...?Why?
The size of the glasses at the hotel breakfast for your apple/orange juice.
Why do it or Why be annoyed? To me, with all due respect, the answer is obvious.
Who am I to say what people can and cannot do?
I'm probably spoiled with all the scenery on my doorstep to be fair, so if others wanted images, I wouldn't begrudge them that much.
It's like jetskis on Loch Lomond - People get unfeasibly angry about it and yes the noise can leave something to be desired at times, but at the same time, it's just people having fun and utilising a natural resource. Who am I to say what people can and cannot do?
Kinda misses most of the point of this thread :P
Are you farknig kidding??
There is a huge difference between "enjoying natural resources" and doing stuff that is clearly ruining the experience for others.
Walking, camping, swimming, fishing, sunbathing, jet-skiiing - can you spot the odd one out?!?
Is this OK with you?
Businesses that use 'haus' in their name even though they have nothing to do with Germany. There is a Manorhaus hotel in Llangollen, North Wales!
So, if you Jetski or fly a drone you are just GOING to cause a fire from
a BBQ? 🤷
Interesting 😆
That's like saying that every single cyclist in history doesn't know what a red traffic light means🙄🤪
No, I probaby wasn't clear enough: the BBQs causing fires is another example of a leisure activity (for one person) that creates big problems for everyone else visiting/enjoying the area.