Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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South Wales
Screwfix..............Click and collect.............Item not available for click and collect.................Delivery.....................Item not available for delivery.

:wacko: WTF have it on your bloody site then???

Most similar sites will have a checkbox when searching, to show in-stock items only.

Scewfix don't seem to have that.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
My fruit fly 'community' is becoming problematic! At first there was about 100 of them, maybe even less. Now I'd say there's about 500 of them. I don't store old banana skins now and uneaten bananas are kept in a sealed, clear plastic bag. The flies missing the bananas and their skins have now moved onto my empty beer bottles. I know it sounds daft, but when I open a beer bottle they suddenly appear and mass on the kitchen cupboard door above the beer bottle. After a few minutes they start landing on the bottle and my glass. I have to cover both with things available like envelopes etc. I've had enough of them now and want shut. I tried leaving a banana skin on my outside window ledge yesterday while I went out. I left my window open hoping they'd all go for it and leave my kitchen, but when I got back 4 hours later not one fly was on the banana skin! All of the @'~#rs were still 'hanging out' on my kitchen cupboards. I don't want to use fly spray on them as they aren't really that annoying, but what else can I do?🤔


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Online videos & photos that have a big red circle around, or a big red arrow, pointing out the hilarious/dodgy thing that you couldn't possibly work out on your own...

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Is this trivial I ask? Last night in the pub around the corner I went outside to the smoking area to watch the England football match. Not to have a ciggie, but to escape the must've been 300 in the packed to the rafters pub. My moan is about the amount of snow/ice out there! The 5 wooden steps leading to some seats where the tv is were absolutely treacherous!! I had to grind my foot into the ice to get a semi foothold for every step. I even had to ask someone to link arms with me for stability. Ok, this pub must've took thousands through the till last night, so why didn't they spend a few quid on salt/grit to make it safe out there?!:headshake:


Legendary Member
Laptop touchpads with hidden buttons.
When I right-click I get a left-click about 70% of the time. :cursing::cursing::cursing:


South Wales
The fact that it’s being filmed from the driving seat of a moving car in patently unsafe conditions?

Ah, yes. When you said the second part, I thought you mean the part not on the road, rather than the part where the road footage was from a moving vehicle.

Certainly illegal to be filming that, though at the speeds involved not particularly unsafe.
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