I once told a teacher who complained at my spider scrawl and my slow writing that I could write better in caps, but she said that wasn't acceptable; I should write "properly" (joined up) and much neater and faster.
I told her she could have Neat, Fast, or Joined Up, but would have to choose two of the three.
She put me in detention.
I have a very idiosyncratic Block Caps style which I adopted the day I left School and refused to change; ironically, lots of people now really like it and I frequently get complemented on it. It's also almost indistinguishable from my dad's handwriting.
Two are often cheaper than one, but if you buy two you have to eat them both.Yesterday the saleswoman insistently tried to sell me two buns instead of one. But I only wanted one. Her insistence was very annoying.
Years ago I noticed on American TV adverts how much dancing there was. If the advert was selling kitchens, there was dancing. If they were selling beds, there was dancing. If they were selling sofa, more dancing. It was so incredibly cringey and I was so thankful such dancing adverts were not shown on British TV adverts.
And then.... I started noticing dancing on British TV adverts. What. The. Hell.
Very annoying. Very trivial.
Yesterday the saleswoman insistently tried to sell me two buns instead of one. But I only wanted one. Her insistence was very annoying.
Years ago I noticed on American TV adverts how much dancing there was. If the advert was selling kitchens, there was dancing. If they were selling beds, there was dancing. If they were selling sofa, more dancing. It was so incredibly cringey and I was so thankful such dancing adverts were not shown on British TV adverts.
And then.... I started noticing dancing on British TV adverts. What. The. Hell.
Very annoying. Very trivial.
Yesterday the saleswoman insistently tried to sell me two buns instead of one. But I only wanted one. Her insistence was very annoying.
This type of lettuce. Ok for rabbits, but why do some people rave over a boring, tasteless item?
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Runners With “Finisher” t-shirts. You say finisher, I say loser.
Runners With “Finisher” t-shirts. You say finisher, I say loser.
Runners With “Finisher” t-shirts. You say finisher, I say loser.