People with neat handwriting! Highly annoying!
Mine looks like a spider's on an acid trip in an inkwell...
Mine is about the same
Mine is about the same
Mine is about the same
Especially when they are bleeping to say they have a low battery & using up more power to do so.
Just arrived in Cornwall for a few days hols
annoying thing is people who pass me on the motorway when I am doing consistent 68 mph (for example) then pull in front of me and slow down
Just WHY????
I once told a teacher who complained at my spider scrawl and my slow writing that I could write better in caps, but she said that wasn't acceptable; I should write "properly" (joined up) and much neater and faster.
I told her she could have Neat, Fast, or Joined Up, but would have to choose two of the three. She put me in detention.
I have a very idiosyncratic Block Caps style which I adopted the day I left School and refused to change; ironically, lots of people now really like it and I frequently get complemented on it. It's also almost indistinguishable from my dad's handwriting.
My dad always wrote like that I expect as a result of his draughtsman trading!
My dad always wrote like that I expect as a result of his draughtsman trading!
That's interesting: my dad was trained as a draughtsman too.
Almost as annoying as all those post children adults who have cleared off on holiday! Leaving me holding the reins....!🤣🤣🤣