Triban 3 Owners Club

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Über Member
You were the one that wanted new wheels. £150 will get you a set of wheels no better than you already have. Nobody is suggesting you go out and blow £3000 on a set of Lightweights - and whatever you buy can be removed before sale and kept for your next bike. But don't let logic spoil it.

You sure? I'm pretty confident that the wheels on the T3 aren't worth £150. You can get Fulcrum 7s for £150; another 40 and you've got Fulcrum 5s.
I'm sorry, I was unaware that you owned one of these bikes. I'm sure you're aware just how patchy the quality can be on the wheels.
So instead of pooh-poohing the idea, why don't you make a positive contribution and make some suggestions instead?


I already suggested buying better quality wheels. Are you now arguing against yourself?

You sure? I'm pretty confident that the wheels on the T3 aren't worth £150. You can get Fulcrum 7s for £150; another 40 and you've got Fulcrum 5s.

nobody ever said the Triban wheels were worth £150. Retail value is largely irrelevant in all of this , as I'm sure you know. None of that stuff costs £150 to manufacture.


So what's the talk about the new Triban 3 being reduced spec?
Had a chat with the people at Warrington decathlon today about it an exchanged a few emails. It will have a downgraded group set alloy forks and be £279.99 it's the same frame as the hybrid they sell ATM but with drop handles! Should be in around the middle of the year!


Legendary Member
Had a chat with the people at Warrington decathlon today about it an exchanged a few emails. It will have a downgraded group set alloy forks and be £279.99 it's the same frame as the hybrid they sell ATM but with drop handles! Should be in around the middle of the year!

OK, so for Triban 3 expected in at end of Jan (if they materialise) - the spec should be the same as current model.


also available in orange
I already suggested buying better quality wheels.

Yes, you've now mentioned a couple of times about buying better quality wheels but not actually made any suggestions. Are you actually going to do that or just carry on trolling?

Are you now arguing against yourself?

Not at all, I've made my position quite clear in this thread.



I already suggested buying better quality wheels. Are you now arguing against yourself?

nobody ever said the Triban wheels were worth £150. Retail value is largely irrelevant in all of this , as I'm sure you
know. None of that stuff costs £150 to manufacture.

b&y so what wheels would suggest for a bike like tb3..


Über Member
I already suggested buying better quality wheels. Are you now arguing against yourself?

nobody ever said the Triban wheels were worth £150. Retail value is largely irrelevant in all of this , as I'm sure you know. None of that stuff costs £150 to manufacture.

I wasn't suggesting that was how much they cost to make, but more that you wouldn't be able to take them off and sell them for £150 because they aren't comparable to similarly priced competitors.


Senior Member
Thanks for the replies about the toe clips everyone. I guess it's as I thought - each to their own. They work for some people but not others. I think I'll re-install mine on the Triban and use the SPDs for when I get a more expensive bike (blasphemy, I know!). Can't really be using toe clips and heavy pedals on a lightweight carbon bike.

Incidentally for those that have/have ridden more expensive bikes, how do they compare to the Triban in terms of performance? When I got the Triban it was like night and day compared to my MTB but at a guess I'd say it was a law of dimishing returns for more and more expensive road bikes. Can anyone give an estimate of how much faster I'd be on a £1k+ 7-8kg bike?

Question to Triban owners about sizing... how tall are you - with what frame?

I'm 188cm (6'2"), ~33in IL

What size frame would you go for 57, 60 or 63cm? My guess is 60...

I'm the same height but with a once inch shorter inside leg and I have the 60. I had to fight a shorter stern but I think it's about right.

I'm also thinking about upgrading the wheels as I've done about 1300 miles on mine now. Fulcrum 5s seem a good option. IIRC someone weighed the Triban's wheels on here and said they were 2250g, so that would be a 400g saving. I remember Decathlon saying that they provide replacement wheels for £25 a set so even if Fulcrum 5s aren't the most expensive wheels in the world it'd still be a big upgrade I suppose. £150 seems proportionate to the cost of the bike.

I don't want to tempt fate but in 1300 miles I've only had a visit from a certain fairy once, and that was when both went at once so I'm pretty sure I went over something sharp. I would hate to switch the wheels/tyres and ending up having to stop constantly!


Man or Moose!
The wheels that come on the Triban 3 are boat anchors, even a £100 set of wheels is a fair improvement both weight and build quality wise.

BTW, wheel cost vs price of a bike as it is being described here is not a good way to think about it. Even with top end bikes and top end wheels, the wheels will cost a good portion if not equal amount to the rest of the bike. By that logic, a £299 Triban is well worth investing between £200-300 on wheels.


...ta Rob, think we've all got that ... is anyone knowledgeable willing to stop wussing about, nail their colours to the mast and suggest a suitable solution (or three)? :rolleyes:
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