Trapped nerve/leg pain issue...not 'classical' Sciatica....

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Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Could be something as simple, but excruciatingly painful, as the Piriformis playing up.
A small muscle in the buttock, which when aggravated causes (for me) unbearable pain, as it ‘shares’ the sciatic nerve.

I'm a pain in the arse already!

But your article brought me to this which is very interesting....
I have lost some weight recently, so much around the aerobelly that my existing belts and short no longer fit. I dug out an old belt that I could only ever do-up on the first hole and now can do-up on the 3rd. Have just bough a size down in shorts too.
The old belt is of course slightly tighter and also narrower so the pressure is greater. It's not impossible that this is also part of the problem.....

Note: Meralgia Paresthetica

The sciatic nerve is not the only nerve that can be compressed and cause referral into the lower extremity. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which exits from the pelvis into the anterolateral thigh between the Pelvic bone

and the inguinal ligament, can also be compressed. When this occurs, the resulting condition is called meralgia paresthetica.

Because the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is solely sensory, this condition results only in altered sensation, usually tingling or pain, into the anterolateral thigh (see accompanying figures). The most common causes of meralgia paresthetica are wearing low-rise jeans or a belt too tightly, being overweight with increased weight carried in the anterior abdominal region, and tightness of various hip flexor muscles, including the Iliopsoas
and/or tensor fasciae latae. With the increased rates of obesity in the United States, the incidence of meralgia paresthetica will likely increase in the future.

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve dermatome with meralgia paresthetica
Meralgia paresthetica (A) Meralgia paresthetica is caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. (B) Area of sensory symptoms in the anterolateral thigh.

Although local low back pain or spasming may occur, lumbar pathologic discs often show no local symptoms at all and present with only lower extremity referral symptoms. Pain, tingling, numbness, or weaknesses that are referred in the lower extremity should be a red flag that a disc problem may exist. However, this does not mean that all lower extremity referral symptoms come from a lumbar disc bulge or rupture. Other conditions such as piriformis syndrome (see next section) or meralgia paresthetica may also refer symptoms to the lower extremity. Although a reasonably accurate assessment can be made with the appropriate orthopedic assessment procedures, if a lumbar disc condition is suspected, the client should be referred immediately to a physician for a definitive diagnosis.
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Could be something as simple, but excruciatingly painful, as the Piriformis playing up.
A small muscle in the buttock, which when aggravated causes (for me) unbearable pain, as it ‘shares’ the sciatic nerve.
A friend of mine suffers from that. It seems to come and go pretty randomly - she can be fine for months but then end up in pain for a week.


Legendary Member
I'd certainly dump the chiropractor (Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine... It has esoteric origins and is based on several pseudoscientific ideas), and find a properly qualified physio. I can recommend Nigel down here, though it's a bit of a journey.

Things have moved on with chiropractors, they now have to be registered and many are now qualified to degree level (like physios) although it is still a complementary medicine


Legendary Member
Anyone experienced anything similar?

I have a long standing back problem which seems to be developing a trapped nerve side to it as well, but I'm not sure the symptoms are that comparable.

The back pain is in the sacrum area, and flexing and exercising that area can both aggravate or relieve the nerve pain at different times. I get a feel like someone scraping a nail down the inside of a vein in my leg, a warm burning sensation, a pattering feel like a mouse running around on my thigh, a feel like someone splashing droplets of icy water on my thigh, and sometimes a faint feel like my legs are going to buckle and collapse. I also get some prostatey symptoms which seem related: if I move my pelvis to flex my lower back it can make me suddenly want to pee, or suddenly stop wanting to pee, and it can also make the difference between the urine flowing freely or not. I was getting a numb bum at one time, but I've not had that so much lately.

Spending all day in the armchair seemed to aggravate it, and sitting upright in this dining room chair during the day seems to help. Sleeping on my back for a while seemed to help, although it felt as if it was making things worse at first. Laying in the recovery position seems to trigger it (L leg Bent R leg straight, but not the other way round).
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I have a long standing back problem which seems to be developing a trapped nerve side to it as well, but I'm not sure the symptoms are that comparable.

The back pain is in the sacrum area, and flexing and exercising that area can both aggravate or relieve the nerve pain at different times. I get a feel like someone scraping a nail down the inside of a vein in my leg, a warm burning sensation, a pattering feel like a mouse running around on my thigh, a feel like someone splashing droplets of icy water on my thigh, and sometimes a faint feel like my legs are going to buckle and collapse. I also get some prostatey symptoms which seem related: if I move my pelvis to flex my lower back it can make me suddenly want to pee, or suddenly stop wanting to pee, and it can also make the difference between the urine flowing freely or not. I was getting a numb bum at one time, but I've not had that so much lately.

Spending all day in the armchair seemed to aggravate it, and sitting upright in this dining room chair during the day seems to help. Sleeping on my back for a while seemed to help, although it felt as if it was making things worse at first. Laying in the recovery position seems to trigger it (L leg Bent R leg straight, but not the other way round).

What does the Doc say?
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Update: The physio was great!
Really took time to investigate the issue in detail. I also tried acupuncture which was surprisingly pleasant and gave some relief but not a cure.
BUT - what has really worked is the exercises and do's/don'ts she has given me based on her diagnosis - these seem to be paying-off.

The cause seems to be a bit of disc projection in my lower spine into my femoral nerve which is impacting the Sephenous branch in particular (interestingly a similar aged cycling pal I just found out has the same issue).
There is definitely a difference between the musculature on one side of my back at that point and the other.
Her thinking (and I agree) is that it was likely caused or triggered by overstretching/flatter back or lowered torso on the bike that day. Now I've recently lost weight from the aero-belly which has 2 effects when cycling - it means my belly doesn't interfere with my legs (so I don't need to cycle so bandy-legged - @ColinJ pointed this out to me recently), therefore, my legs movement is different AND more importantly I can spend more time on the drops and can also now rest my forearms on the bar tops which of course opens-up the vertebrae - I was doing both during the ride.
She has banned me from riding the Rourke for the foreseeable but something sit-up-and-beg is OK - so the Brommie is now my goto.
Factor in a generally stooped posture, too much sitting at the computer and driving long hours in my little car all adds-up.

Anyhow - Cobra poses and another stretch done standing with my shin on a chair, pushing my hips forwards and arching backwards a little seems to be alleviating the pain to the point am pretty-much painkiller free and sleeping better.
The affected leg does feel a bit underpowered at the moment, so building it up using the Rourke on the turbo - but sitting bolt upright.
Will go back in a few weeks time to the physio and have a Docs appt Wed to see if the NHS has any answers.

Sometimes it's just a case of searching for the the right person/treatment with an open mind to start to get a result.

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
I'm a pain in the arse already!

But your article brought me to this which is very interesting....
I have lost some weight recently, so much around the aerobelly that my existing belts and short no longer fit. I dug out an old belt that I could only ever do-up on the first hole and now can do-up on the 3rd. Have just bough a size down in shorts too.
The old belt is of course slightly tighter and also narrower so the pressure is greater. It's not impossible that this is also part of the problem.....

Note: Meralgia Paresthetica

The sciatic nerve is not the only nerve that can be compressed and cause referral into the lower extremity. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which exits from the pelvis into the anterolateral thigh between the Pelvic bone

and the inguinal ligament, can also be compressed. When this occurs, the resulting condition is called meralgia paresthetica.

Because the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is solely sensory, this condition results only in altered sensation, usually tingling or pain, into the anterolateral thigh (see accompanying figures). The most common causes of meralgia paresthetica are wearing low-rise jeans or a belt too tightly, being overweight with increased weight carried in the anterior abdominal region, and tightness of various hip flexor muscles, including the Iliopsoas
and/or tensor fasciae latae. With the increased rates of obesity in the United States, the incidence of meralgia paresthetica will likely increase in the future.

View attachment 695002

View attachment 695003 Meralgia paresthetica (A) Meralgia paresthetica is caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. (B) Area of sensory symptoms in the anterolateral thigh.

Although local low back pain or spasming may occur, lumbar pathologic discs often show no local symptoms at all and present with only lower extremity referral symptoms. Pain, tingling, numbness, or weaknesses that are referred in the lower extremity should be a red flag that a disc problem may exist. However, this does not mean that all lower extremity referral symptoms come from a lumbar disc bulge or rupture. Other conditions such as piriformis syndrome (see next section) or meralgia paresthetica may also refer symptoms to the lower extremity. Although a reasonably accurate assessment can be made with the appropriate orthopedic assessment procedures, if a lumbar disc condition is suspected, the client should be referred immediately to a physician for a definitive diagnosis.

It seems that I am suffering with meralgia paresthetica. I had the misfortune to have a Land-rover discovery plough into the back of me while I was stationary at the end of January. Had physio and acupuncture arranged by the insurance company. About two months after the prang I started getting the symptoms of meralgia paresthetica. Seat belt trauma in a crash can cause it although the timeline suggests they are unlikely to be cause and effect. I have it in both thighs which is rare.

Given the pain and range of painful areas you have it's more than this. Still sounds like nerve damage and likely from the back as its mine.

Seems you have plenty of people looking at it so fingers crossed for a full recovery.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
How is it now, @Fab Foodie?

I am coming down to Devon in the next few days and, weather-permitting, hope to do my promised Otterton 100 km ride next Saturday. That would probably be too far for you even if your recovery is going well (?), but if you are free another day between the 18th and the 24th and think that you could manage a shorter ride from Crediton we could sort something out.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
How is it now, @Fab Foodie?

I am coming down to Devon in the next few days and, weather-permitting, hope to do my promised Otterton 100 km ride next Saturday. That would probably be too far for you even if your recovery is going well (?), but if you are free another day between the 18th and the 24th and think that you could manage a shorter ride from Crediton we could sort something out.

Hi Colin
Well it's not gone away. It's dissipated but a few days heavy labour in the garden has caused it to return. Doing the right stretches helps relieve it. Unfortunately in no fit state to cycle anywhere other than a gentle pootle along the canal on the Brompton.
Not around Fri, Sat or Sun, but Mon, Tues, Wed, evening might be possible - if even only hooking-up for a beer!



Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well it's not gone away. It's dissipated but a few days heavy labour in the garden has caused it to return. Doing the right stretches helps relieve it. Unfortunately in no fit state to cycle anywhere other than a gentle pootle along the canal on the Brompton.
Hmm... :whistle: (bad back vs heavy labour!) That's a pity. Maybe (fingers crossed) on my next visit in a couple of months time?

Not around Fri, Sat or Sun, but Mon, Tues, Wed, evening might be possible - if even only hooking-up for a beer!
You can check out the beer, and I will stick to Coke/Pepsi! We could meet at the Beer Engine one evening? PM me to come up with a time that fits in with my family meals/days out. I don't have a phone signal at my sister's place so t'Internet is the way to keep in touch.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Hmm... :whistle: (bad back vs heavy labour!) That's a pity. Maybe (fingers crossed) on my next visit in a couple of months time?

You can check out the beer, and I will stick to Coke/Pepsi! We could meet at the Beer Engine one evening? PM me to come up with a time that fits in with my family meals/days out. I don't have a phone signal at my sister's place so t'Internet is the way to keep in touch.

F.A.B Virgil.
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