I did that once the swing of the caravan took out the petrol pump!!
Sunday 23rd
Just outside https://www.wandahome.co.uk/
(where the ‘old’ A1 & M62 intersect)
There’s a lot of new stock outside!
I had a look at a new Coachman, the same model/length as ours!
The interior layout is the same, but our bathroom has the shower where the 'offside' wardrobe is in this one
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Plus, a 2018, for sale
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Curiously, the rear fog-lamp on the trailer isn't workingMonday 24th
Well, you know how it is, when you decide you must have this/do that NOW/ought to do/got to have it now!/etc...... I had that mindset a couple of days ago, after finding the marker-lights that were on my old Ifor-Williams (sold 2009??)
Despite it only being a 5" x 3" trailer, I decided to fit them
So, with the help of a stripped length of 13-core, to give me the correct wiring colour, I put them on
There's no wiring connections made yet, & I might get some heat-shrink tubing off a 'sparky' friend, to sheath the cables with
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