When we give you your musettes, you're meant to eat/drink 'on the wing'! Not stop somewhere with a nice view and have a jolly old picnic!
Rider 1. 'Oh, I've got ham and mustard sarnies again! I told Noodley I don't like mustard, but he must have forgotten!'
Rider 2. 'I like mustard, but is it 'proper' Coleman's mustard or that rubbish Dijon mustard?'
Rider 1. 'Well, it's pretty hot, so it must be Coleman's. You can have them, but only if I can swap them with two of your power bars, the ones with fruit and nuts in, not the chocolate ones.'
Rider 3. 'Can someone watch my bike; I'm just going for, er, a pee.'
Rider 2. 'OK, but don't be long, Noodley'll be checking us on his GPS and wonder why we've all stopped at the same time!'
Rider 3. 'No, I'll be right back. I don't know the way, anyway, so I'll have to follow you lot.'
Rider 4. 'Don't worry, I know a good caf near here; we can stop for a proper cuppa there, I've got a load of tea bags with me.'
and so it goes on!