Tour de France 2024 SPOILERS

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rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I don't mind any of the Eurosport team.I find I can go on or off any of them but in the back of my mind I'm always thinking....thank feck I'm not forced to listen to Millar and Boulting 🤣
Back to todaysTT can't see any major changes to GC so what do we reckon....
Pog in first for a change.
Remco second although two stage wins and a podium would be nice 😍
Vinny in third back stronger next year champ

I'm hoping that Remco will take it while Pog takes no risk.


Kilometre nibbler
It's been a dull tour in terms of competition tbh

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but Pog's gap on Vingegaard and Remco was only just over around a minute going into stage 14 with a ton of climbing to come in the final week and Pog has form for cracking in the mountains.

Because we know what happened we can call it dull now.

In the green jersey Phillipsen was closing in on Girmay and that wasn't a done deal until we got to the intermediates in the last few days.
Normally I wouldn't really bother with the time trials but today's is different.

Not only is it the final stage of the TdF but about six weeks ago, I rode most of the TT course. The drop down into Villefranche is epic, to put it mildly!


Kilometre nibbler
.thank feck I'm not forced to listen to Millar and Boulting 🤣
I've watched a few stages on ITV4 highlights, with the benefit of knowing what's about to happen. Millar has a talent for hilariously predicting the opposite of what happens, just before it happens.

My favourite was when Roglic crashed descending. Just before this happened Millar was advising Remco to "just follow Roglic's line, do exactly what he does". I was yelling "No Remco, don't listen to him. Do exactly what Roglic doesn't do!"


Kilometre nibbler
Cav not taking this seriously. Goofing around with the fans. Fine him I say. Maybe 200 Swiss Francs will make him see the error of his ways.
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