Tour de France 2024 SPOILERS

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Legendary Member
Fred Wright now 18km behind the front of the race and 15min behind the grupetto according to TdF live site

His dot is so close to the broom wagon they seem to have merged. Maybe he's already abandoned? (Edit. No, he's still going, just in front of the voiture balai)

Missed time limit and eliminated 😢


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
couldnt agree more,...... I wonder if some folk are watching the same race as me
Same race, but different commentators, which may give a different perspective. Tadej makes it look good but he sits down at the end, gifting the stage. Watch the last 25m again and see how Jonas is still sprinting hard, out of the saddle with his bike still going \ / \ / \ / while Tadej's bike is now almost totally vertical, then tell me they were both pushing as hard!

Same race, but different commentators, which may give a different perspective.
no matter what a commentator says , it doesnt alter what I see with my own eyes :wacko: no way that win was gifted


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
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