Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Perhaps they re expecting a crash.
Maybe but it they may want to show they're not broken completely!

The Couch

Über Member
Rolland with the ugly short again in the picture again xx(

Still... you have to congratulate him as he was bringing water bottles to the rest of his team


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
How do you account for a genuine outlier performance - you can't. How do you account for a masterful race strategy and pacing - you can't. How do you take conditions on the day into consideration? You can't. Even the uncertainty boundaries on their calculation are huge. 6.2 watts/kg is clean and 6.5 w/kg is doped? Bollocks. The uncertainty boundary is that large.

To be fair, the article linked to by FM does cover that and advises caution when interpreting the data. It also makes the point that you can't draw firm conclusions from one-off performances like Saturday, you have to look at the bigger picture for the context.

I bet there's doped riders in the race this year, who haven't even broken through 6 w/kg up Ax 3.

Indeed. I'm working on the assumption that the peloton isn't 100% clean, purely on balance of probabilities, but there's no evidence as far as I can see to point the finger at any individual yet - although Cunego was named on the Mantova hitlist.

Pub chit chat is all it is. Performance biomechanics is much more complex then these guys try to reduce it to.*
* - by these guys I'm more referring to Vayer then the Science in Sport guys, but they too are too quick to endorse this approach.

Surely the method is sound, it's just the data that's shaky? There's a bit more substance to the SIS analysis than pub chit chat though.


Having just read Tyler Hamilton's book - which I recommend by the way; despite seemingly now benefitting further from his doping - he uses an analogy of a match box. The match box contains a set number of matches. As you use one, it burns out. You then light another one when required but you will run out of matches eventually. Now, using that analogy for the climb on Saturday? would it be fair that Sky burnt quite a few matches and paid the price on Sunday? I cannot remember if he was referring to BBs (Blood bags) or micro doses of Edgar (EPO) but it works for me in context with Sky recent performance.

Also, this then in turn got me over to the Clinic - my God there is not a lot of love for Sky and Froome on there is there???? I am amazed that the lawyers allow some of the posts.....


Surely the method is sound, it's just the data that's shaky? There's a bit more substance to the SIS analysis than pub chit chat though.

Both the data and the method.

Taking a power average over a 40 minute climb tells you nothing about the delivery, the peaks and the troughs. Compound that by estimating the average based on some algorithm and you've got a mish mash. Of interest to statisticians only. It has no persuasive evidential value. And if you're doubting that then go and compare some Strava power calculations for your favourite hillclimb.

What annoys me about the SIS guys is that they acknowledge this on the one hand, but then go on to say that if it was 6.5 w/kg ''I would be calling shenanigans for sure''. That's going from plausible to cheat within self-confessed error boundary on power estimate alone.
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