Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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You could have just told her that the highlights also have "some decent clips from the team cars during yesterdays 'confusion' and a few rider interviews"...
You could have just told her that the highlights also have "some decent clips from the team cars during yesterdays 'confusion' and a few rider interviews"...
I did. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on perspective) she closed the door and buggered off upstairs. The couch is more than a user on cyclechat - it is also a borderline comfortable sleeping location for men who piss of their partners.

The Couch

Über Member
Kittel this morning - he wears the yellow jersey with those sunnies - could be a shot from the 70's

No, it's more 1985 ....

The Couch

Über Member
Boom for stage 2, anyone?

Still a long way to go yet though...

Sorry Smutchin, but it seems I was much closer ^_^
By the way, for the people who haven't seen the race, but want to keep informed for people to watch-out for... I was surprised by the strong form that Bakelants and Van Marcke have shown on a track that I would have assumed a bit to hard for them.

Now if Vanmarcke wins a stage as well... I believe I should start participating in fantasy cycling :blush::smile:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Europcar and FDJ are jokers in the pack. They all seem to ride like Tommy V is their mentor. It's undoubtedly fun the way they animate the race but tactically it all seems a bit gauche field.

The Couch

Über Member
Europcar and FDJ are jokers in the pack. They all seem to ride like Tommy V is their mentor. It's undoubtedly fun the way they animate the race but tactically it all seems a bit gauche field.

Fun indeed and actually... you can't really argue the results neither of those tactics in the past years (often stage wins, white jersey, polka dot jersey)

Now... Francis De Greef, that's a guy you can question race tactics of :smile:
(I feel bad always attacking him... I hope he sets me straight at one point or another... but still, so far what I've seen - especially this Giro - he was really doing all his ideas at the worst possible moments in the race :tongue: )

The Couch

Über Member
Ok, today's wild stab in the dark... Rui Costa.
Sawing him descend in the TdS, I like your guess... still I believe that Sagan will see today as his best chance to avoid needing to sprint against the likes of Greipel (stage 5 could be that as well, but with less certainty), so I believe this time he will expect his team to stay aboard much longer to make sure this time it is a (limited) sprint
(kinda hoping that someone else will win it like yesterday... makes better tv :smile:)

BTW Smutch... what did you think of Sky yesterday... they already needed Porte pulling the bunch (in the 2nd stage)... not a good sign, right?


The Borough
BTW Smutch... what did you think of Sky yesterday... they already needed Porte pulling the bunch (in the 2nd stage)... not a good sign, right?
In my opinion it is far too early for Sky to be showing to take the yellow jersey - they just needed Porte & Froome to finish in the bunch with EBH too if possible to sprint. Last year they were no better than yesterday at this stage. I think Froome's tactic of jumping away was just a bit more than about keeping himself safe - had one of the GC riders been unnerved, they might well have made a mistake on the descent.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Sounds like Geraint Thomas was in all sorts of difficulty, which doesn't bode well. But apart from that, I don't see that you can read anything into Sky's performance as a team yesterday.

I thought Froome's dig was just him having a bit of fun - there was a definite glint in his eye in the post-race interview.
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