Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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nr cambridge
That was an omnishambles if ever there was one. I dont get the idea that it was entertaining viewing either - it ruined the stage. Getting stuck behind a crash is part of racing but for it to happen in that manner just made the finish a farce! Not taking anything away from Kittel i like him as a rider and he has a decent record against Cavendish so it wouldnt have been a foregone conclusion had the crash not happened.

btw looking at the slow mo a couple of riders got very lucky, so close to hitting the lampost with the heads or neck as they fell
i don't see how it ruined the stage? it changed the stage yeh, but ruined it? as you said, crashes are racing and it happens. it was unfortunate for many of those that went down and certainly stressful for the likes of Cav' but ruined is a bit strong. listening to the riders post-race, some knew of the stuck bus, some didn't. kittel didn't and he just raced, whereas listening to cav who did know, you can tell it upset him...that's a perfect case in point for getting rid of race radios in my humble opinion.


One thing which annoys me (I know, surprising to find that I am annoyed by anything...) is that every time "something happens" in a bike race people post on forums that it's a "farce" or that it devalues the race/stage. It's a fecking bike race, "things" happen, that are all part of the race. Including people crashing, the organisation getting things wrong, some German twat jumping up and down in a red suit. They all add to the race, almost as much as when richp says he remembers riding a bit of road when he was touring the area in the 90s and that he stopped at a bar where a young maiden made a move on him which he had to decline as he was very drunk and did not want to disappoint her in the sack, FM claiming that he's been following the stage winner's career ever since he came 5th in a local race in Sweden in 2006, nobbers speaking about strangely shaped chainrings, Froomedawg's g/f tweeting something, and me calling them all nobbers, etc etc


i don't see how it ruined the stage? it changed the stage yeh, but ruined it? as you said, crashes are racing and it happens. it was unfortunate for many of those that went down and certainly stressful for the likes of Cav' but ruined is a bit strong. listening to the riders post-race, some knew of the stuck bus, some didn't. kittel didn't and he just raced, whereas listening to cav who did know, you can tell it upset him...that's a perfect case in point for getting rid of race radios in my humble opinion.

It ruined the race because with teams thinking the finish was 3 k earlier than anticipated it created a panic to get riders in position (not just the sprint teams but the GC teams too) and they were using up riders from their train too early for the actual finish.

It would have changed the whole complexion of the race, even if there had not been a crash. The same of course also applies to if the finish had been 3k to go and some teams and riders did not know about it.

The first week of the tour is bad enough for crashes without this sort of stuff adding to the mix.


One thing which annoys me (I know, surprising to find that I am annoyed by anything...) is that every time "something happens" in a bike race people post on forums that it's a "farce" or that it devalues the race/stage. It's a fecking bike race, "things" happen, that are all part of the race. Including people crashing, the organisation getting things wrong, some German twat jumping up and down in a red suit. They all add to the race, almost as much as when richp says he remembers riding a bit of road when he was touring the area in the 90s and that he stopped at a bar where a young maiden made a move on him which he had to decline as he was very drunk and did not want to disappoint her in the sack, FM claiming that he's been following the stage winner's career ever since he came 5th in a local race in Sweden in 2006, nobbers speaking about strangely shaped chainrings, Froomedawg's g/f tweeting something, and me calling them all nobbers, etc etc

Changing the finish line with about 10 k to go then changing it back again with about 4 k to go and some riders/teams knowing about this and some not knowing cannot IMO be dismissed as just another part of the character of the race!
One thing which annoys me (I know, surprising to find that I am annoyed by anything...) is that every time "something happens" in a bike race people post on forums that it's a "farce" or that it devalues the race/stage. It's a fecking bike race, "things" happen, that are all part of the race. Including people crashing, the organisation getting things wrong, some German twat jumping up and down in a red suit. They all add to the race, almost as much as when richp says he remembers riding a bit of road when he was touring the area in the 90s and that he stopped at a bar where a young maiden made a move on him which he had to decline as he was very drunk and did not want to disappoint her in the sack, FM claiming that he's been following the stage winner's career ever since he came 5th in a local race in Sweden in 2006, nobbers speaking about strangely shaped chainrings, Froomedawg's g/f tweeting something, and me calling them all nobbers, etc etc
Amen. The unpredictability of bike racing is what makes it the best sport in the world!


Legendary Member
I thought the ending was great, just a shame Cavendish got caught in the crash, really wanted to see him in yellow tomorrow.
shoot happens. Offshore we call such things a 'dynamic situation' and try to deal with change on te fly, everybody did as well as expected under the circumstances, it was fun and interesting to watch, and no one lost time.
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