Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Thomas has gone for an x-ray and Dave Brailsford has been doing some shopping for him online



I had to leave to get the train for my sportive so I mixed all the chaos, I keep giggling uncontrollably when I think of that bus driver though.


Über Member
Somerset, UK
According to Ned Boulting, the finish line barrier is lowered as the race approaches and vehicles start getting deviated before the finish line. However, for some reason the Greenedge coach was waved through *after* the barrier had been lowered. A bit embarrassing for the organisers. I guess as a driver in unfamiliar towns you just rely on officials telling you where to go.


Marc Madiot has just been ranting and raving and waving his arms about, complaining about the finish line being chopped and changed a few ks from the line. :laugh:
Even with race radios, a lot of riders didn't understand WTF was going on.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Marc Madiot has just been ranting and raving and waving his arms about, complaining about the finish line being chopped and changed a few ks from the line. :laugh:
Even with race radios, a lot of riders didn't understand WTF was going on.
Van Poppel learned about the temporary change of finish line in a post race interview.


Van Poppel learned about the temporary change of finish line in a post race interview.

Sounds like Kittel knew nothing about the temporary change either.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
When is Phil Leggett going to get the French flag colours right? Every year he goes on about red white and blue. It is Blue White and red!! Ask any frenchman and he will confirm. 65 million frenchmen can't be wrong!


That was an omnishambles if ever there was one. I dont get the idea that it was entertaining viewing either - it ruined the stage. Getting stuck behind a crash is part of racing but for it to happen in that manner just made the finish a farce! Not taking anything away from Kittel i like him as a rider and he has a decent record against Cavendish so it wouldnt have been a foregone conclusion had the crash not happened.

btw looking at the slow mo a couple of riders got very lucky, so close to hitting the lampost with the heads or neck as they fell
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