Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Apropos of nowt, here's a picture of Tommy Simpson's memorial I took a few years ago, without getting off the bike..


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I showed my son the stage profile - which makes it look rolling for 200km then vertical for the finale - and there was a resounding thunk as his jaw hit the floor.

There was another thunk when I then explained the climb to him in terms of "like going up [nearby hill x] for a distance from here to [nearby town y]".

And he thinks rugby is a tough sport! ^_^


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
I'm not sure I could climb the blue bit :-(
Would be quite amusing if there were attacks from the off in an attempt to unsettle the big names. Doubt that will happen though. I imagine one breakaway will be allowed to go, these guys will be of no GC threat obviously.
If the break is caught then my guess is it will be Froome who will win the stage. Quintana will give it a go though i am sure.

I want nothing more though than to see Berti keeping up with the best and, the big man willing, attacking anyone who dares even bat an eyelid at him!! I fear though that he will be found out to be lacking form, again.


Apropos of nowt, here's a picture of Tommy Simpson's memorial I took a few years ago, without getting off the bike..

Was that when you were touring in the area, stopped off at a bar and a comely young maiden made a pass at you? One of the many times that something to do with you, a bar, and a comely maiden happened? You'll have made excuses and left no doubt, but worth recalling nonetheless...
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