What did I miss?I'm fair pissed off! How f*cking bregrudging are Jalabert and Voekler! Wiggins has no panache it seems.
I reckon Wiggins heard it too because he was not as keen to talk as he normally was. He said something about the French/English relationship that I didn't quite catch.... I hope.
Perhaps raindog can offer his perspective as maybe I've gone off the deep end.
It's like 1966, only much better!
However, I am surprised no one is now questioning Wiggins and Froome wrt to being 'suspicous' as many of you questioned Sagan when he was 'fresh as a daisy' and showboating at the finish lines. Double standards it seems.
Pedant alert onSport news page seems dominated by golf?
A British rider (bar total catastrophe) has just got one hand on the TDF title, and Auntie beeb is more interested in people who dress like paddington f*ckin' bear?
Not hard, considering 1966 was a right lot of shite.
I was having a dig at the slightly more xenophobic CC posters really.... stir stir....I can point you in the direction of questions if that's what you really want. Plenty are asking them. Personally, for now, I'm just going to rejoice!
1944598 said:So tomorrow, yellow jersey processing round with champagne or playing his part driving the sky train for the sprint?