You see,
@hopkinb was our resident gastronome but went awol. However, he very recently wandered back and into the light. A bit rough and worse for wear. Feral basically. However he scrubbed up well with oven cleaner down the car wash gaffer taped to the roof of an unsuspecting owner of a VW 'Up' called Brenda, which saved us money. This is good news as the rusty old ship BR is almost below the surface imminently consigned to the brine and hopkinb could be our own Jonathan Harris Bass?
Anyhoo, lets get on with it (as they say in here in bonnie Jockland): I had Swedish meatballs, mash (with skins on), cabbage, peas and sweetcorn whilst the girls had 'Spaghetti Rouge' as it was fondly referred to amongst the Swedish students in Uppsala (Spaghetti, meatballs and ketchup).
Finished off with homemade Vanilla ice cream and fresh pineapple (