User3143 said:
What footage is it you are after again?
2-sec video clip of cyclist on wide, empty road
Caption: Plenty of room
2-sec video clip of cyclist taking primary in left-hand filter lane, cars in straight-ahead lane to right
Caption: Plenty of room
2-second video clip of cyclist taking primary in straight-ahead lane, cars in left filter-lane to right
Caption: Plenty of room
Still photo of lorry at lights, wide gap to its left, cyclist heading for gap
Caption: Plenty of room?
2-sec video clip of cyclist cycling up the left of the lorry and stopping at the lights
In-cab shot of driver checking wing mirror and looking above the cyclist, no cyclist visible
In-cab shot of driver applying left-hand indicator
In-cab shot of driver pulling away and turning left
In-cab shot of wing mirror, showing lorry centimetres from railings, but still looking above the height of the cyclist
Freeze video
Cut to still of mangled bike beneath wheels
Cut to still of crushed helmet
Cut to still of other debris
Video of sheet being pulled over body under lorry
Fade out to caption:
[Cyclist version] Don't let a lorry have a crush on you
[HGV driver version] Don't let your lorry have a crush on a cyclist