This is an e-assist bike!

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Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Deliveroo pays riders £13 an hour, according to their website. That’s a hell of a lot of deliveries to make to pay for one of these e-bikes. Given that many of the riders do not appear to be lottery winners, where do they get the mo et to fund the purchases?

Credit (£82 / month). At least one source here
Some might be doing other jobs as well

or delivering "Other Things"

still a lot of money - although they probably get them cheaper than the price on the WWW

They work 50hrs a week sometimes and often avoid pretty much all tax etc. Some of them live in areas like this where they just have a caravan parked on the street illegally and ride untaxed or uninsured petrol mopeds or ebikes often modified to have unrestricted speed. It really depends on area. I was in the post office when it looked like someone who was a courier was making an international monetary payment and it was about £400. So I'm assuming many are working to send money home to poorer countries perhaps they have a family there to support so live in the UK as cheaply as possible. You can't blame them but you question the stupidity of governments that allow uncontrolled immigration either from Europe or the rest of the world.

They work 50hrs a week sometimes and often avoid pretty much all tax etc. Some of them live in areas like this where they just have a caravan parked on the street illegally and ride untaxed or uninsured petrol mopeds or ebikes often modified to have unrestricted speed. It really depends on area. I was in the post office when it looked like someone who was a courier was making an international monetary payment and it was about £400. So I'm assuming many are working to send money home to poorer countries perhaps they have a family there to support so live in the UK as cheaply as possible. You can't blame them but you question the stupidity of governments that allow uncontrolled immigration either from Europe or the rest of the world.


yes - a lot of them just live as cheaply as possible
I used to work witha bloke who had a sideline fixing up old bikes
he got them from a scrap man at the local market - often rusty old things
he could get a car load and tak ethem to his house - which had several large sheds - and make a few bikes out of them
mostly single speed but a few 3 speed

He had several people coming up to his door every weekend asking if he had anything available becuase the local immigrant community knew bike from him were cheap but would work well and be safe (he alwaly but new cables on them and tested the brakes)
as his house was several miles from the nearest bus stop this means they had walked a few miles ot get to his house - and some would come back several times until he had a bike for them

You have to admire people who will live in a house with a load of other people, several to a bedroom, work all the house they possibly can, and ride several miles to work in ahilly part of the world (North Wales) on a single speed bike rather than pay for a bus
so they can send money home because they know their family needs it

totally rubbish for the UK Economy - but I admire the people


South Tyneside
The person you describe is an interpreter. They are always the most likely to end up being great for the economy.
Immigrants tend towards that direction.


Heavy Metal Fan
You have to admire people who will live in a house with a load of other people, several to a bedroom, work all the house they possibly can, and ride several miles to work

I thought nothing of it when I did that in Australia. But I knew an end was in sight. It just goes to show what you can earn/save if you're not settling down and forking out for 19 Alexas and a new fridge freezer


Senior Member
There are two Eskuta models that look almost identical:

The motorcycle has larger (legal, presumably) indicators, the ebike has tiny ones.
Both have numberplates, but the ebike one is a mini one, just for looks.
The ebike has pedals.
The ebike has a bright green easy start button on lefthand switchgear.

So the one above is the ebike.
There are two Eskuta models that look almost identical:

The motorcycle has larger (legal, presumably) indicators, the ebike has tiny ones.
Both have numberplates, but the ebike one is a mini one, just for looks.
The ebike has pedals.
The ebike has a bright green easy start button on lefthand switchgear.

So the one above is the ebike.

Good luck persuading the Police Office that stops you for not having a helmet or reg plate etc etc - that that is an ebike


Legendary Member
Interesting it has a "certificate of conformity". The manufacturers are self declaring it as an EPAC, but it is not approved and plated/stickered as one.

TBH at the price I can't see that many will be taxing the minds of the constabulary.
Interesting it has a "certificate of conformity". The manufacturers are self declaring it as an EPAC, but it is not approved and plated/stickered as one.

TBH at the price I can't see that many will be taxing the minds of the constabulary.

As the regulation say it has to have a plate /sticker I presume the local plod would use that as the main thing to check - easy and quick and no special equipment needed

a "certificate" would be unlikely to impress them - especially as I could knock out a decent out in a few minutes and I bet the one from the manufacturer is not much better


Ebikes of various power are here to stay.

When I was in Reading last week, there were literally hundreds of ebikes being ridden all around the city centre delivering mainly fast food.

I know this is replicated in nearby cities, so critical mass has been achieved
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