Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'd like to say that I didn't get the measurements wrong when spending £50 on new locks... :whistle:


I'm hoping that the supplier will kindly swap them for ones of the correct length. (I think they will because of Amazon's free return policy.)
All sorted now!

My mistake cost me a few pounds but now I have much more secure locks. I can use the same key for front and back doors and have 3 extra spares. I like the fact that the new key design works either way round so I won't have to faff around in the dark trying to see which way I am inserting the key in the lock. It also comes out much more easily than the old one did.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Dear robot subtitling software...

What Dr. Jordan Peterson actually said was: "Sometimes happiness won't suffice"! :whistle:


More wheels than sense
For two people that wanted to leave the limelight behind, they have a funny way of showing it. Time they buggered off and stopped courting publicity.

Yeah people sharing their thoughts in a public forum really should be stopped.

You from lead from the front and be a great example to others /S


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Apparently 15 breeds of dogs can have blue eyes. Most of them can be trained to sit when told:okay:
Ha ha - yes - it was a massive husky! :laugh:

The dog was coming towards me and its owner had it on one of those uselessly long extending leads. I was amazed by its eyes which were the most piercing blue possible. I told the dog that its eyes were pretty special and the next thing I knew its front paws were on my shoulders and my face was under canine tongue attack... :eek:

It didn't really bother me, but I could imagine that terrifying anybody who is nervous with big dogs.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well, I can say it, but only indirectly: "Have you turned the upstairs heating off to reduce your fuel bill?"

My sister just rang to ask me if I had any ideas about an obscure fault in one tenant's house - The hot water is working in the kitchen but not in the bathroom... :whistle:


Puzzle game procrastinator!

I'd like to say that my software backup strategy was well thought out, and perfectly implemented...

... unfortunately, I CAN'T! :blush:

I really should know better. I used to do manual backups every day, but then I started using Google Drive to shadow the folder that I am working in. Great - I automatically have a backup copy of my work without having to think about it. Which was fine until something very strange happened...

I am developing a puzzle game and have been getting much closer to finishing the damn thing. (I have been fiddling about with it for way too long!) It has been running reliably for weeks now, so I was startled when the development system suddenly started complaining of a fatal error that I definitely had NOT made. The game stopped dead in its tracks before it could even get running and I was struggling to work out what was happening from the error message given to me.

Never mind, I would just go to the online backup copy, which, of course...

... had just been overwritten by the now faulty version! :cursing:

I have been going round in circles trying to work out what had happened and the only plausible answer that I could come up was that a particular resource file had got corrupted. If that were a binary file then I would be stuffed, but I took a look using NotePad and was relieved to find that it was a text file. I went through the duff file and the older good one comparing them line by line and finally spotted the problem...

Good file:
[node name="labels_timer" type="Timer" parent="."]
wait_time = 0.35
autostart = true

Bad file:
[node name="labels_timer" type="Timer" parent="."]
wait_time = 0.35
autostart = true
script = ExtResource( 2 )

WTF!!! :wacko: I have absolutely NO idea why the system had added that extra line to the resource file. It meant that an unwanted and incompatible script file had somehow been linked to that timer. I deleted the unwanted reference and all is now back to normal***.

This is a long-winded way of pointing out that you should backup your important files regularly. I know someone who once lost a year's worth of work because he hadn't backed it up, and his hard drive failed! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Don't make my mistake - keep incremental backups - don't just overwrite the previous one!

Oh, and it would also make sense to check that you can retrieve and use the backed-up files. You don't want to discover that a backup that you desperately need is in fact faulty.

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