So you'd like acceptance of your heritage, I can understand that, I opened the friendly shots by asking your name as an attempt to get to know you.
But, unless you abide by some kind of social norms....i cant be bothered with you.
Social norms like not doing the following...
Smoking dope in the garden, spoiling my fresh air...and you do it in front of your kids.
Drinking to excess, fighting with each other, physically and front of your kids.
Driving under the influence of dope.
Flytipping your crap round the corner...several times.
Taking to your garden and yakking 2am, 3 am...
Smashing your front door window in a fit of rage with each other (she is just as bad as he is)
And so on and so on.
You wonder why no-one likes you and youve been reported to the Police and your landlord several times ?

You wonder why one of your kids is prone to fits of screaming and is uncontrollable at times.
No-one hates you...just no one likes you...and you wonder why ?