Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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Growing old disgracefully
South Wales
This isn’t a bad thing.

Well it is in a way.

Especially when you've thrown out so many ripped pairs over the years, when you could have made a fortune on eBay :laugh:

Deleted member 26715

Why do women who wear short skirts keep pulling them down?
Wouldn't it make more sense to wear a longer skirt in the first place?
That was a laugh out loud moment, only because I was walking to the supermarket the other morning with the dog & there was 3 schoolgirls walking towards the bus. One of them was wearing what I would best describe as a wide belt & not a skirt, which she never let go as she passed.
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Sunbathing - do people really enjoy doing it? I have tried it once or twice when I was young, despite having a skin that goes from milk bottle white to lobster red to peeling sheets. Just as well, because I got bored after about five minutes. Are you supposed to enter some zen like state? Is it supposed to be relaxing? Probably didn't help that I tried it on Hove beach, which is a pebbly beach. Yet I understand sunbathing is the thing people fly off to Spain and Greece and Turkey to do.

Chris S

Legendary Member
Sunbathing - do people really enjoy doing it?
It's to show that you've had an expensive foreign holiday.

I tan really easily, I even got a cycletan on my bike in Birmingham in February. People think that I've got a high-flying job and that I'm constantly jetting off to sunnier countries. In reality I'm stuck in front of a VDU all today talking to people on Skype.


It's to show that you've had an expensive foreign holiday.

I tan really easily, I even got a cycletan on my bike in Birmingham in February. People think that I've got a high-flying job and that I'm constantly jetting off to sunnier countries. In reality I'm stuck in front of a VDU all today talking to people on Skype.
Not in my case. I just love lying in the sun! Give me a good book and something to drink and I'm a happy bunny all summer long.
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