Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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It happens all the time. Well, not all the time, but quite often...

I'm driving along and I notice the moped rider behind me has left his indicator on. Not a good idea. So I flip mine on for a couple of flashes, in a place where I couldn't possibly be turning, just to alert him/her. Nothing. I do it again. Still nothing. I put my hazards on for a couple of flashes, then off, then the indicator again. Nothing. Is there nothing in that tiny mind that pops up to say 'why is that driver ahead doing that?' Apparently not.
The BBC altering their schedules just to suit them. ie We just sat down to watch Richard Osmond`s House of Games only to find it shifted to 19:00 as Strictly come dancing is on instead. I mean, it has put my body clock right out of kilter !


Legendary Member
Why do the BBC report on a ‘road accident’ rather than a ‘road crash’
Because they've used all their grammar credits turning terrorists into militants and illegal immigrants into migrants. Were road safety a leftie cause then it would doubtless be renamed "capitalist road murder" or somesuch.


Leg End Member
Did Jimmy die at the end of Quadrophenia?
No, at 01:52':15" of the movie you can see him there on clifff top..
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