Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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Leg End Member
I work in a bike shop (which makes it even more embarrassing).
You ride your bike at work?
I'd have thought a high proportion of the bikes you work on have disc brakes. So it would be easy to forget when you d come across one with rim brakes.

Actually discs are pretty unusual, even mechanical discs. The bikes I deal with are either donated or "scrap". They are generally older and most have V-Brakes or calipers or the evil cantilevers.
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How many fifth Beatles were there, and how many are still alive?
Don’t forget Alexander Beatle, who was kept in a matchbox…
How did people cut their finger and toe nails before scissors? How did they cut their hair.

I always assumed they bit them if they didn't break off by natural wear and tear.

People's hair seems to most usually have a limited length it grows to before a hair stops growing, falls out and a new one starts. It makes sense that people whose hair grew so long as to trip them up wouldn't live long enough to breed ...
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