If you knew what it's like being alone for Christmas you wouldn't feel like that?
Yes, but think of the idiots who annoy you, and like me being alone, how lucky we are to avoid them!!

I've just thanked a friend who offered to drive me to a pub 3 or 4 miles away to meet up with more friends after they've had a Christmas dinner, telling her that I'm not bothering as I'd only be there for an hour at most after their meal, then I'd have to find my own way home. Do I want to spend money on beer in a crappy pub, then probably 20 quid on a taxi home after being there for only an hour, no I don't! Plus I'd be drinking from say 4pm till I went to bed as once I start I carry on till bedtime, which is a problem I'm very much trying to avoid! My thoughts now are will the friend who offered to drive me there might be annoyed at my "thanks, but no thanks" message?🤔 Folk are so touchy these days! You say one wrong thing and they sulk for ages, never forgetting about whatever peed them off!

I'm starting to prefer my own company more and more these days. These friends are ok, but are they friends as in the type who'd be there for you in a serious crisis, say a cancer diagnosis for example. Mmm, maybe they'd say how sorry they are for you, but would they come and visit you in hospital if you had a long term stay, like say your mother would? I very much doubt it as folk lead such selfish lives these days, and to an extent so do I as living on my own at quite an age, with quite a few disabilities, I have to look after number one....and of course my little dog!!

Tomorrow I intend to do my usual light a candle on my dad's grave. Have my own version of a non meat Christmas meal, which will include salmon, which isn't really meat.

Have a few alcoholic liqueurs, I've just bought a bottle of cherry brandy😍. Listen to some festive music and pat myself on the back for surviving another solitary, but quite peaceful Christmas Day, hopefully without any incidents!