Things about Christmas you positively hate

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Silencing his legs regularly

Not me. Any travel will be self-powered. No gifts (well, best mate sent me some Wensleydale, but otherwise, no), no decorations, no debts. Even spending money on myself just seems wrong these days.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
If you knew what it's like being alone for Christmas you wouldn't feel like that?

Yes, but think of the idiots who annoy you, and like me being alone, how lucky we are to avoid them!! :okay: I've just thanked a friend who offered to drive me to a pub 3 or 4 miles away to meet up with more friends after they've had a Christmas dinner, telling her that I'm not bothering as I'd only be there for an hour at most after their meal, then I'd have to find my own way home. Do I want to spend money on beer in a crappy pub, then probably 20 quid on a taxi home after being there for only an hour, no I don't! Plus I'd be drinking from say 4pm till I went to bed as once I start I carry on till bedtime, which is a problem I'm very much trying to avoid! My thoughts now are will the friend who offered to drive me there might be annoyed at my "thanks, but no thanks" message?🤔 Folk are so touchy these days! You say one wrong thing and they sulk for ages, never forgetting about whatever peed them off!:rolleyes: I'm starting to prefer my own company more and more these days. These friends are ok, but are they friends as in the type who'd be there for you in a serious crisis, say a cancer diagnosis for example. Mmm, maybe they'd say how sorry they are for you, but would they come and visit you in hospital if you had a long term stay, like say your mother would? I very much doubt it as folk lead such selfish lives these days, and to an extent so do I as living on my own at quite an age, with quite a few disabilities, I have to look after number one....and of course my little dog!!:okay: Tomorrow I intend to do my usual light a candle on my dad's grave. Have my own version of a non meat Christmas meal, which will include salmon, which isn't really meat.:whistle: Have a few alcoholic liqueurs, I've just bought a bottle of cherry brandy😍. Listen to some festive music and pat myself on the back for surviving another solitary, but quite peaceful Christmas Day, hopefully without any incidents!;)
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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Folk are so touchy these days! You say one wrong thing and they sulk for ages, never forgetting about whatever peed them off!:rolleyes:
Like I am with that card business, where I've posted a card to a neighbour, but very unusually she hasn't posted one back!! :rolleyes: I'm not really mad, more wondering why she hasn't.🤔 Maybe it's because I 'only' posted one of those bought a pack of 20 cards, whereas she sends those quite expensive individual cards. 🤔 Maybe she's heard and taken in a false rumour she's heard about me.🤔 Maybe she's forgot I posted one and is sat there thinking "Why hasn't he posted a card"?!🤔 Maybe she's posted it through troublesome neighbour's next door's door.🤔 Maybe she's...and so on and so on!:rolleyes:

PS....The friend who offered to run me to that pub tomorrow, who I thanked, but cancelled the offer hasn't replied to my apologetic text yet. My thoughts are is she sulking, or hasn't she seen it yet.🤔



Über Member
I think it is the family socialising thing I can't be bothered with - this last weeks been great, just me and the wife, xmas tree up, get the curtains closed early, big open fire on, and we just sit about and read - wonderful

But the morrow, some family coming for dinner, I can't be bothered with it, and then later in the week more family arriving to stay, and they just argue and bicker

beam me up scotty


Über Member
I don't give a damn what others think of me, what matters is what I might think of them.
I try not to give them cause to diss me, or think bad of me or grossly offend anyone.
Courtesy a kindness that costs nothing and go's a long way.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I don’t exactly hate it, but what amuses me is the way some people take it all far too seriously, coming to blood boiling point over a song, panicking over a parsnip or two, someone else spending their own money. Just step back and breathe.
If you don’t want to celebrate and lift the spirits at what would over wise be the dreariest time of year, then don’t, but remember,” cry and you cry alone.”

From the school of:

"Keep young and beautiful,
It's your duty to be beautiful,
Keep young and beautiful
If you want to be loved"

I thought we'd moved on from those sentiments.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Has yon Gavin and Stacey been on yet?! :gun: I've just remembered someone I hate as much as, if not more than the 2 hat Corden!


Both are totally talentless, but he really nobs me off!!🧐


Über Member
Who the feck are they.....?
I wont know if you told me,
Thankfully I am very selective in what I watch.


Über Member
Who the feck are they.....?
I wont know if you told me,
Thankfully I am very selective in what I watch.

I have only heard of them this last week since the radio keeps going on and on about them like they are the next big thing - so just took a look on youtube at something entitled "5 of Gavin & Stacey’s Best Moments"
could only endure 2 of these 'moments' but I can't work out what it is supposed to be - is it trying to be a comedy ?


South Wales
I have only heard of them this last week since the radio keeps going on and on about them like they are the next big thing - so just took a look on youtube at something entitled "5 of Gavin & Stacey’s Best Moments"
could only endure 2 of these 'moments' but I can't work out what it is supposed to be - is it trying to be a comedy ?

Yes, it is a comedy, and many millions of people across the country enjoy and laugh at it.

I imagine though that a Youtube "best of" will not appeal to anybody who isn't already familiar with the series, as it will all be out of context.


Über Member
Used to watch EastEnders. Now I find it totally vile !
When I drama resurrects various cast members to boost know things are bad.
Further more this is an inner City ,just how do the characters manage to own, live or rent homes with meagre takings from dahn the market's just so unbelievable.
I am Ex East end ,I know....
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