Copied/pasted, from various entries of mine in the '
Trailers & BWSOWs' thread
It's getting towards the time, when we'll be looking at taking the
BWSOW out of hibernation, & ..... SWMBO doesn't really want to drive my car, as it's a manual, & she's driven autos for the past 4 years
So, the choices are;
1. PX my Kodiaq for an automatic
2. I continue to deliver/collect it, but that restricts distance/availability (with my working shifts/weekends)
3. Purchase another car, that is an automatic, & 'hefty' enough to prevent
the tail wagging the dog syndrome (and I get to keep my Kodiaq)
4. Which she's not that keen on, she gets used to driving the Kodiaq, & tows the
BWSOW herself
(it has a motor-mover, for onsite manoeuvring)
I’ve been talking about this with someone at work this afternoon, & she made an interesting suggestion
Now, it does depend on how bothered
Senior Management is about a new/shiney/fancy car
(I have to figure that out, & go slowly)
My colleague suggested a Volvo XC90, not the present shape, but the initial model; pre - 2015???
A nice D5 auto?
She's been on about it again, & did actually tell me she saw an older XC90 at the garden centre & thought it looked good!!
Maybe l can swing this towards a XC90?
She also mentioned a Quashqio(??)), but the max tow-capacities are too low
This resurfaced again, apparantly, over the weekend whilst they were away (along with her dad)
Primarily due to not wanting to 'relearn' to drive a manual, & tow at the same time
IF we had an auto, she could concentrate on the towing alone
My Volvo suggestions were taken credibly this time
To the extent that I showed her a XC70 for sale, at Castleford, & we even went down to look at it in the compound
It wasn't the best presented, as they share the premises with a car-wash, so it'll be constantly getting over-spray, then any dust that's blown that way (like all cars there)
On a quick once-over, the wheels have peeling laquer, but given its age, plus despite the advert stating a tow-bar it doesn't have one
We may/may not go back for a look (given that we'd have to budget another £500 - £700 for tow-bar/13-pin electrics
This one is just out of Wakefield city centre, & looks good; New&onesearchad=Used&radius=40&postcode=wf61hb&include-delivery-option=on&model=XC70&page=1
Then daughter, very cleverly(!) suggested the XC90 again
Auto-Trader came up with a few, the closest couple were without towbars, & one was manual
I found this one, in Keighley, she reckons age isn't a real issue to her, as all it'll really be for is caravan, shopping, dogs, & tip-runs
I'm days-off Thur/Fri, I might drive over for a look at it? New&onesearchad=Used&make=Volvo&include-delivery-option=on&radius=35&postcode=wf61hb&year-to=2022&model=XC90&advertising-location=at_cars&price-to=5500&page=1