The Space Enthusiasts' Thread

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Best sci fi film in years.


For want of a thread to raise this...I see Venus is quite clear in the sky, below and to the right of the moon.
I got my bird scope (all i have to hand) out to see if it's better seen through it and it's much brighter with some colour but too shaky by hand.
The moon through the scope is lovely and clear, you can clearly see all the craters on the bottom.


For want of a thread to raise this...I see Venus is quite clear in the sky, below and to the right of the moon.
I got my bird scope (all i have to hand) out to see if it's better seen through it and it's much brighter with some colour but too shaky by hand.
The moon through the scope is lovely and clear, you can clearly see all the craters on the bottom.
Indeed I looked last night and Venus has a nice crescent to it, I did manage to get this shot by putting my tablet's camera up to the eyepiece. I must buy a proper camera or adaptor for my telescope.


captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.

Oooh, that reminds me. I once got very drunk with Claudia from B5. She came over to do a cheapo SF 'comedy ' show that a mate of mine produced called Star Hyke. I haven't seen it myself, but it's on DVD and I once spotted it on at about 2am on Dave (I think).

Here's me with CC:

Nice lady.Bought me lunch in Covent Garden.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
according to the internet, if Andromeda was brighter, it'd look like this....


space fact or internet bull???

I was also wondering last night (whilst tipsy)... since the moon is very slowly moving away from the earth, are any (or all) of the planets slowly moving away from the sun too?

Most likely internet bull. Andromeda would have to be pretty bright to be seen like that and you wouldn't be able to see all the fine detail as that is only caught in timed exposures. Andromeda to the naked eye is really just a fuzzy blob. It is, however, moving towards us so it might look like that in millons of years from now:smile:. BTW, the moon is moving away from us at about the same rate as your fingernails grow. I'm not sure about the rest of the solar system, but we do know that planets weren't always in the same orbits they are now. One thing for sure, like my career development, it's all happening at a very slow speed!.
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Legendary Member
Nemo, you've only got one leg?


Leg End Member
Some creepy goings on Apollo 13. Their spacecraft was called Discovery, same as the ill fated vessel in 2001 - A Space Odyssey. At they time of the accident they were playing the Strauss Zarathustra theme, the music from 2001. When things started to go south Lovell famously said, "Houston, we have a problem", the same words uttered by Commander Dave Bowman when HAL began to malfunction and was faking faults with the ship.
Except he said "Houston, We've Had a Problem".

And the CM was named "Odyssey"


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
"The Martian" is well worth a read. The film gets a bit silly towards the end.
And, has anyone mentioned Space: 1999 yet?

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
"The Martian" is well worth a read. The film gets a bit silly towards the end.
And, has anyone mentioned Space: 1999 yet?

No, but I am. Loved the show as a 70's child, the first series is the best with a great theme tune by Barry 'Thunderbirds' Gray, series 2 was sh**e. Little known fact about Space 1999 is that Anderson was trying to develop a sequel to UFO and a lot of the pre-production design work etc was completed but then the execs decided that they wanted a new show, so UFO2 became Space 1999. I'm currently building a model of an Eagle as shown below, although not studio scale!.
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