The rugby

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South Wales
I think they need some kind of rule about how many phases the TMO can go back to find an infringement when reviewing whether to award a try or not.

In France v Argentina there was an Arg try that was not given because of a high tackle infringement earlier in the play. But it the ball had been turned over by both sides since then in a long passage of play since the tackle incident, ultimately leading to the Argentinian non-try. The offence was not really significant to the try at all. And I'm not sure whether the penalised player contributed at all to the final phases leading up to the non-try. So it would seem to me that a fairer outcome would have been to award the try, and then discipline the player (he was yellow carded I think) and restart with a penalty.

The TMO does seem to be taking a bigger and bigger role, searching further and further back in play and I'm not sure I like it. We used to be able to point to the TMO (and cricket's appeals system) as examples of where technology actually worked - when football fans were complaining about their VAR being rubbish. But now the TMO seems to be getting a bit too intrusive.

If the player was yellow carded for it, then it was case of foul play, and a penalty would have been awarded at that point. It wasn't really a case of going back that far to disallow the try as such, just that one happened to have occurred before the penalty for the high tackle was announced.

If it had just been a "simlpe"penalty offence, it (probably) would not have caused the try to be disallowed.


Kilometre nibbler
If the player was yellow carded for it, then it was case of foul play, and a penalty would have been awarded at that point. It wasn't really a case of going back that far to disallow the try as such, just that one happened to have occurred before the penalty for the high tackle was announced.

If it had just been a "simlpe"penalty offence, it (probably) would not have caused the try to be disallowed.

You know what? You're quite right. I was a bit puzzled by your post so I did a bit of digging.

For most offences play can go back within two phases leading to a possible try, but for foul play any act can be referred until the game restarts. So they have thought about my complaint about how far back the TMO can go.

I think that maybe my feeling actually comes from the lowering of the bar for foul play. Now this is for safety purposes, I understand that, and I'm not arguing against it. But a wrongly executed tackle, with no malice intended, that results in head contact still doesn't feel like foul play to me. Not properly foul play. I suppose I just need to get with it.

That said, I still think there's a gradual drift to the TMO getting involved more and more in a kind of "busybody" role for incidents that were under the on-field ref's nose, and the on-field ref let go, rather than just being called on for where the ref was unsighted. (No, I can't think of any real examples right now, sorry) This undermines the ref and the end result is that when "your" team touches down, it's a case of holding your breath to see if the TMO is going to stick their oar in.
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North Shields
The Six Nations gets back underway tonight which I'm looking forward to. Not entirely sure how it will go after a bit of a mixed bag in autumn but I'm going with final standings of...

I have been reading comments online (loads of ex players, especially from Australia or other southern hemisphere nations, giving their opinions). One made the point, which I kind of summarise what I took from it, that England has a hard away schedule at the beginning that they will be unlikely to take much from. That will potentially leave them with a Wales baying for English blood and even the potential for Italy to surprise England. Basically one commentator said England most likely 4th but after the hard first few games who knows how bad it could be for England.

As someone with a lot of knowledge of the game, what do you think of this POV? The guy agrees with you but with the comment that it could get worse. Do you see Wales beating England? What about Italy? Aren't they getting better too? Perhaps more of a threat than Wales at the moment but Wales has this thing about England I think. Don't they play well against England, the rivalry perhaps??


Kilometre nibbler
The Six Nations gets back underway tonight which I'm looking forward to. Not entirely sure how it will go after a bit of a mixed bag in autumn but I'm going with final standings of...


Yeah, doesn't look like a bad prediction. I think everyone in your list could be a place higher or lower (where possible) but I'd be less confident about predicting that anyone will finish two places higher/lower than you have predicted. There will be a lot of hard to predict matches.

England have the blue teams at home this year and are away to Ireland & Wales so potentially a slight home advantage there, but an opener in Dublin tomorrow followed by France at home isn't exactly an easy warm-up.


Legendary Member
I’d go with that order as well. France and Ireland are the most consistent two teams and will probably be the top two, wales and Italy will most likely be in the bottom two. England and Scotland could win 2,3 or even 4 matches. One of the less predictable championships for some time.
I'll be watching tonight's match while hiding behind the sofa. Could be scary.


North Shields
The Six Nations gets back underway tonight which I'm looking forward to. Not entirely sure how it will go after a bit of a mixed bag in autumn but I'm going with final standings of...


My viewing partner in crime has gone with:


She beat me in predictions last year so she's probably going to be right.

Bit of a walk in the park for France this evening. Not entirely a surprise, but I thought Wales might have offered something at least.
Just out of curiosity, as a thought experiment, if some of the southern hemisphere teams were somehow competing with the 6 nation teams where would they be in the list? IRB rankiings havee IReland, France, Scotland, England, Italy and Wales. Northern. SA is above Ireland andNZ below Ireland but above france. Argeentina is behind France above scotland.But would youu agree with the rankings?
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