The Retirement Thread

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68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Breakfast eaten, cards opened. Now a gentle trundle up to Dunham Massey for a nice leisurely day out. Prospect of cauliflower pasty for lunch

Cauliflower Pasty!

You might have liked the Brussel Sprout Pie that Mrs SD and her sister made, they raved about it for ages after. Horrible looking thing was my reaction. Not a sprout lover.
I was thinking of taking the bike to be "serviced" today
the ebike system needs updating and lots of bits need fettleing

I could do it myself I suppose - and that would be cheaper as he always seems to find something that needs replacing
I wish he would just charge more but anyway

The gears do need fixing - I suspect the cable is stretched and may need replacing - they fiddled with it for free a week or so ago and it hasn;t helped much

anyway - it was bloomin' freezin' so I didn;t fancy the ride down there - then wall back - then walk there again then ride back

so it'll have to wait - probably Saturday as he has an assistant then normally


Started young, and still going.
The sun has gone in and the hailstones are dropping from the sky.
A right mixed bag of weather today. We've had sleet, sunshine, rain, wind and now hailstones. The temperature is only 7⁰ and the north wind makes it feel quite cold.
I've decided on smoked gammon steaks, green beans, carrots and jacket potatoes for tea tonight. :hungry:


Cauliflower Pasty!

You might have liked the Brussel Sprout Pie that Mrs SD and her sister made, they raved about it for ages after. Horrible looking thing was my reaction. Not a sprout lover.

Had a brussels sprout curry at Hansas in Leeds quite a few years ago. I only ordered it because I was intrigued. It was excellent, and not too many " after effects " 🤔


Legendary Member
I've just posted in the "wet eye" thread
Nothing to report here as nothing much happens :sad:


pedalling tediously
I've just posted in the "wet eye" thread
Nothing to report here as nothing much happens :sad:

No ! how could you be bored with the content here , riveting stuff here
for example: 1 I got out of the bed this morning , therefore I must be still alive
2 I had an egg for my breakfast
3 bad bout of flatulence last night , it woke the neighbours up
4 I am going to bed now ( as soon as I lance the boil on my arse)


Legendary Member
No ! how could you be bored with the content here , riveting stuff here
for example: 1 I got out of the bed this morning , therefore I must be still alive
2 I had an egg for my breakfast
3 bad bout of flatulence last night , it woke the neighbours up
4 I am going to bed now ( as soon as I lance the boil on my arse)

Now just how are you going to see the boil on your arse in order to lance it?
And what do you plan to lance it with ?

These are the important things that Mr Numbnuts is missing out on.
No ! how could you be bored with the content here , riveting stuff here
for example: 1 I got out of the bed this morning , therefore I must be still alive
2 I had an egg for my breakfast
3 bad bout of flatulence last night , it woke the neighbours up
4 I am going to bed now ( as soon as I lance the boil on my arse)

Cool - you really should live stream it all on You Tube

I have heard it is all the rage with "the young people"

You would end up with millions of followers

whatever they are - apparently it is a good thing
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