Dubbin the donkey?
That would be Dobbin the Dunkey I think you'll find..
Dubbin the donkey?
A sneaky choccie digestive while no one is looking.
I've applied some dubbin to my walking boots 👍
Nice surprise this morning
That nice Rachel person in No 11 Downing Street has sent me £250
or at least - sent me a message on the Government Gateway saying I was due to tax refund and could claim it by clicking here
If I wanted to
Well - after some thought I decided to claim it
so I have - I presume it is due to my wife doing something about re-allocating her tax free allowance to me as her pension is less than mine
anyway - worryingly there was a bit in the claiming process that seemed to say that if I was not actually entitled to it then it was MY FAULT
errr - I presume that HMRC know more about the tax system than I do so why is it my fault unless I have deliberately given them false or incomplete information
so I ignored that
and if I find that I have mysteriously inherited a huge bank account in the Caymen Island and didn;t know about it - then I will look at it again
Isn't that like Muffin The Mule, illegal?That would be Dobbin the Dunkey I think you'll find..