The Retirement Thread

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Good Morning. A beautiful day is dawning in Lancashire and all is right with my world...............well almost! A poor night's sleep. I went to bed at 9.30, straight to sleep till 2.00am. Settled down again about 4.00am and then had one of those weird dreams. I dreamt I was awake and couldn't sleep. I hate that. I must have been asleep as the clock had changed from 4.00am to 6.40am. Bizarre.

I'm off to collect #1SP in a few minutes. I've no doubt she will be in fine form, bouncing around all day. It's wonderful to join in with. @Dave7 made some kind remarks about this last week. In summer '23 I was asked what my life goals are now. I didn't really know but over a few weeks I worked it out. I have three genuinely beautiful granddaughters and it's my wish to see them become beautiful young women. I want to be the granddad who is there to help, to listen, to support and above all not criticise them, to be a refuge when they need one. A few of my female friends have told me how special the relationship is between granddad and granddaughter. I understand it now, I didn't until my lot arrived. Problem is I'll have to live another 21 years..........or more if we get another pregnancy!! ^_^

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I am making a loaf of bread, well attempting to. The yeast is a bit out of date so we shall see what happens. I could end up with a pancake. :laugh:
I am feeling bereft - a real sense of loss...

... just finished reading Fonda Lee's brilliant 250000 word trilogy The Green Bone Saga.

It has taken me just over 3 weeks of reading (interspersed with some domestic DIY) and has left a hole in my life.

It joins a very short list of brilliant books that have made a significant impact on me - and I have read hundreds and hundreds of books since I first seriously began reading aged 8 or 9. I started with the Biggles WW1 flying ace series. That seems a long, long time ago now.

My very short list in no particular order:

LOTR - Tolkien.

Shardik - Richard Adams.

Time & Time Again - Ben Elton.

Papillon - Henri Charriere

Feersum Endjinn - Iain Banks

The Green Bone Saga - Fonda Lee.


Just rummaging through my 'next reads' lists on my Kindle for my... next read!

It needs to be really good to help fill the gap!

I had forgotten about Shardik - great book !
Good Morning. A beautiful day is dawning in Lancashire and all is right with my world...............well almost! A poor night's sleep. I went to bed at 9.30, straight to sleep till 2.00am. Settled down again about 4.00am and then had one of those weird dreams. I dreamt I was awake and couldn't sleep. I hate that. I must have been asleep as the clock had changed from 4.00am to 6.40am. Bizarre.

I'm off to collect #1SP in a few minutes. I've no doubt she will be in fine form, bouncing around all day. It's wonderful to join in with. @Dave7 made some kind remarks about this last week. In summer '23 I was asked what my life goals are now. I didn't really know but over a few weeks I worked it out. I have three genuinely beautiful granddaughters and it's my wish to see them become beautiful young women. I want to be the granddad who is there to help, to listen, to support and above all not criticise them, to be a refuge when they need one. A few of my female friends have told me how special the relationship is between granddad and granddaughter. I understand it now, I didn't until my lot arrived. Problem is I'll have to live another 21 years..........or more if we get another pregnancy!! ^_^

Yes - we had 3 grandkids
2 boys and the eldest is a girl but the middle one have special needs and so grabs a lot of the attention
and the smallest is - well , the smallest

My wife and I have talked about it and we reckon that at some point, probably in a few years time, we will get an unexpected knock on the door and the grand-daughter will be standing there having come here on her own to get away

We need to keep an eye on her - she does deserve it (in a good way!)
Right well

It my Birthday

otehrwise known as "The day I SHOULD have been getting my old age pension"
before the government - dunno which one - changed the ages

OK - only 1 year at the moment - but ....

I was wondering about starting a male equivalent of the women's WASPI campaign -

but that would be called MASPI

which sound more like something that happens when the CycleChat Retirement Thread men's section all have a weekend away
and spend the evening in the pub
then get caught short on the walk back to the campsite and stop off in the woods

anyway - in case it was not obvious my birth certificate says I am 65
or - according to my Mum - I will be at 10:30 tonight

She was desperate for me to be born before midnight so my birthday would be the same as my GranDad's

or so I was told - I don't remember that bit


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Right well

It my Birthday

otehrwise known as "The day I SHOULD have been getting my old age pension"
before the government - dunno which one - changed the ages

OK - only 1 year at the moment - but ....

I was wondering about starting a male equivalent of the women's WASPI campaign -

but that would be called MASPI

which sound more like something that happens when the CycleChat Retirement Thread men's section all have a weekend away
and spend the evening in the pub
then get caught short on the walk back to the campsite and stop off in the woods

anyway - in case it was not obvious my birth certificate says I am 65
or - according to my Mum - I will be at 10:30 tonight

She was desperate for me to be born before midnight so my birthday would be the same as my GranDad's

or so I was told - I don't remember that bit

Happy birthday 😊

The members of this thread are getting younger and younger!
Last edited:


Legendary Member
Right well

It my Birthday

otehrwise known as "The day I SHOULD have been getting my old age pension"
before the government - dunno which one - changed the ages

OK - only 1 year at the moment - but ....

I was wondering about starting a male equivalent of the women's WASPI campaign -

but that would be called MASPI

which sound more like something that happens when the CycleChat Retirement Thread men's section all have a weekend away
and spend the evening in the pub
then get caught short on the walk back to the campsite and stop off in the woods

anyway - in case it was not obvious my birth certificate says I am 65
or - according to my Mum - I will be at 10:30 tonight

She was desperate for me to be born before midnight so my birthday would be the same as my GranDad's

or so I was told - I don't remember that bit

Happy Birthday. You are the same age as me now for 2 months. :laugh:

6.5 miles walked this morning so slightly longer than usual. It’s time I was picking up the distance again now that the weather is improving.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Right well

It my Birthday

otehrwise known as "The day I SHOULD have been getting my old age pension"
before the government - dunno which one - changed the ages

OK - only 1 year at the moment - but ....

I was wondering about starting a male equivalent of the women's WASPI campaign -

but that would be called MASPI

which sound more like something that happens when the CycleChat Retirement Thread men's section all have a weekend away
and spend the evening in the pub
then get caught short on the walk back to the campsite and stop off in the woods

anyway - in case it was not obvious my birth certificate says I am 65
or - according to my Mum - I will be at 10:30 tonight

She was desperate for me to be born before midnight so my birthday would be the same as my GranDad's

or so I was told - I don't remember that bit

Happy 🎂
Happy 🎂

The card my wife has given me says I am a Wonderful Husband
which is nice

when I opened it she said she was going to write that I am the best husband she has ever had - I am her 3rd

then decided it was such a low bar that she decided not to!!!

Pro tip for the younger blokes on here

choose a woman who has been married before to one or more total wastes of time
then even a slightly reasonable husband seems great to them!!!

Hope this helps!!


Yes - we had 3 grandkids
2 boys and the eldest is a girl but the middle one have special needs and so grabs a lot of the attention
and the smallest is - well , the smallest

My wife and I have talked about it and we reckon that at some point, probably in a few years time, we will get an unexpected knock on the door and the grand-daughter will be standing there having come here on her own to get away

We need to keep an eye on her - she does deserve it (in a good way!)
That's exactly what I mean. The safe place to go where someone will listen. A chance to download. Perhaps a year or more back #1SP was here on a sleepover. She always asks me to put her to bed. We were having a cuddle and a small voice said "Granddad. Daddy shouted at me."


The scenario. M65 westbound. Inside lane. Rush hour. 60ish.

The conversation:
"My hair band is broken"
"OK. I'll fix it when we get to my house"
"Granddad. Can you fix any hair band?"
"I expect so. We can have a look at home"
"I want Nana to fix my hair band. She can fix anything"
"OK but Granddad can fix lots and lots of things"
"You can't fix everything. You can't fix teddy bears"

That's me put in my place. Super Woman has taken her granddaughter swimming. No, I admit it. I can't sew an ear and a leg back on to a teddy bear!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
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