The Retirement Thread

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Is there such a thing as an improper girlfriend? Smut (or wishful thinking, whatever) aside.

Yeah - I think I had one of them for a while as well!!!!

I think she dumped me in favour of someone who could give her a ticket to see Tranmere Rovers playing at Wembley!!!!


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Same here.

I don't watch Strictly, etc, or Awards Various prog's, but do stumble across the names of participants/recipients in my News feeds and, like you, haven't got a clue who the majority are.

Ditto, Social Media Influencers, YouTubers and Gamers. Not a clue

Ooops! Forgot K-pop stars - who are mostly young women singing awful songs whilst dressed in very micro-mini-skirts. No clue who they are either.

As an aside but related to the previous paragraph, I have noticed that Mrs SD (who has nice legs) has lowered her hemline over the years and has gone from pretty racey to a more modest few inches above the knee. She is, wisely I think. Not doing "mutton dressed up as lamb". :smile:

Also, knickers seem to be 'more sensible' these days too. Although, mercifully, she has not ventured into Bloomers territory! :laugh:

Similarly Mrs B. She used to wear short skirts/dresses/hot pants/etc, but, has gradually become more “modest”. Haven’t noticed the knickers becoming more “sensible”… yet.

What has happened is she has become more critical (to me) of young ladies displaying their “assets”. I usually silence her by digging up “old” photographs of her in her more revealing outfits. 😂


Legendary Member
Feet up, armchair reclined, French Doors to back garden open.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I am feeling bereft - a real sense of loss...

... just finished reading Fonda Lee's brilliant 250000 word trilogy The Green Bone Saga.

It has taken me just over 3 weeks of reading (interspersed with some domestic DIY) and has left a hole in my life.

It joins a very short list of brilliant books that have made a significant impact on me - and I have read hundreds and hundreds of books since I first seriously began reading aged 8 or 9. I started with the Biggles WW1 flying ace series. That seems a long, long time ago now.

My very short list in no particular order:

LOTR - Tolkien.

Shardik - Richard Adams.

Time & Time Again - Ben Elton.

Papillon - Henri Charriere

Feersum Endjinn - Iain Banks

The Green Bone Saga - Fonda Lee.


Just rummaging through my 'next reads' lists on my Kindle for my... next read!

It needs to be really good to help fill the gap!


As an aside but related to the previous paragraph, I have noticed that Mrs SD (who has nice legs) has lowered her hemline over the years and has gone from pretty racey to a more modest few inches above the knee. She is, wisely I think. Not doing "mutton dressed up as lamb". :smile:
I always feel women look much more attractive in a dress or skirt and blouse than the outfits many younger ladies wear. Good for you Mrs SD.
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