The Retirement Thread

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68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Right well

It my Birthday

otehrwise known as "The day I SHOULD have been getting my old age pension"
before the government - dunno which one - changed the ages

OK - only 1 year at the moment - but ....

I was wondering about starting a male equivalent of the women's WASPI campaign -

but that would be called MASPI

which sound more like something that happens when the CycleChat Retirement Thread men's section all have a weekend away
and spend the evening in the pub
then get caught short on the walk back to the campsite and stop off in the woods

anyway - in case it was not obvious my birth certificate says I am 65
or - according to my Mum - I will be at 10:30 tonight

She was desperate for me to be born before midnight so my birthday would be the same as my GranDad's

or so I was told - I don't remember that bit

Happy 65th to you. Have a good one!

Re State Pension age changes.

Way back when we started our financial planning spreadsheet (2000-ish) we had 'budgeted' for Mrs SD's SP starting at age 60 in 2023.

Now, she won't get it until 2030 at a 'cost' to us of c£70000.

Well, we can't do politics here but, I think I can safely say, these 'stealth taxes' are utterly abhorrent. Especially those that occur relatively late in life. :cursing:
Happy 65th to you. Have a good one!

Re State Pension age changes.

Way back when we started our financial planning spreadsheet (2000-ish) we had 'budgeted' for Mrs SD's SP starting at age 60 in 2023.

Now, she won't get it until 2030 at a 'cost' to us of c£70000.

Well, we can't do politics here but, I think I can safely say, these 'stealth taxes' are utterly abhorrent. Especially those that occur relatively late in life. :cursing:

Yes - I know
my wife should have got hers in 2020

but we had both heard about the changes many years ago - mine and hers

personally I can;t see how anyone could have been unaware as it was on all the news shows at the time
and has been on all sorts of shows since

but it does depend on what things you watch on the telly

I would place sizeable bets that my sister-in-law and her husband have no clue about it all
we are expecting a phone call about it when she gets to 59/60

as she has never paid any National Insurance at all - she is "scared" of having to pay any tax but never breaks any laws - then I really don;t want to get involved!!
and her husband - yeah well - who knows - taxi driver, "specialist" accountant does his taxes - and all that

I suppose I should be grateful that we were forewarned and planned in advance so we are OK

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Yes - I know
my wife should have got hers in 2020

but we had both heard about the changes many years ago - mine and hers

personally I can;t see how anyone could have been unaware as it was on all the news shows at the time
and has been on all sorts of shows since

but it does depend on what things you watch on the telly

I would place sizeable bets that my sister-in-law and her husband have no clue about it all
we are expecting a phone call about it when she gets to 59/60

as she has never paid any National Insurance at all - she is "scared" of having to pay any tax but never breaks any laws - then I really don;t want to get involved!!
and her husband - yeah well - who knows - taxi driver, "specialist" accountant does his taxes - and all that

I suppose I should be grateful that we were forewarned and planned in advance so we are OK

I thought everyone now has to have a min of 10 years national insurance payments to get a pension.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Anyhow, to my utter amazement, my bread has turned out brilliantly despite the yeast being 4 months out of date :laugh:



All at sea⛵
The card my wife has given me says I am a Wonderful Husband
which is nice

when I opened it she said she was going to write that I am the best husband she has ever had - I am her 3rd

then decided it was such a low bar that she decided not to!!!

Pro tip for the younger blokes on here

choose a woman who has been married before to one or more total wastes of time
then even a slightly reasonable husband seems great to them!!!

Hope this helps!!

49 years and 3 months too late!


All at sea⛵
We have discussed this at length - often while drunk

and it is clear that if we had met when we were younger we would not have really got on well at all

we have both changed by experience and maturity

Or we think so - sometime she doubt the maturity part in my case!!

If it works don't try and fix or understand it. Pleased for you both.


Scrambled egg and bacon for brunch. I tried microwaving the bacon. Never done it before but it turned out nice. I’m giving eating more keto a try along with intermittent fasting to hopefully get the weight down.

As we still have no kitchen I settled for a lunchtime sandwich. Yesterday Mrs Tkk got a small seeded loaf from the " Artisan " bakers near to where her Physiotherapist practices. It's wonderful bread, hand baked in small batches. To this I added a sliced Isle of Wight tomato, the first of this year's crop and so sweet and juicy. Next were some sliced seedless grapes, both black and white varieties, and to make it really gourmet I then layered a handful of McCoys ridge cut cheese and onion crisps. Fine dining at its best.


pedalling tediously
Right well

It my Birthday

otehrwise known as "The day I SHOULD have been getting my old age pension"
before the government - dunno which one - changed the ages

OK - only 1 year at the moment - but ....

I was wondering about starting a male equivalent of the women's WASPI campaign -

but that would be called MASPI

which sound more like something that happens when the CycleChat Retirement Thread men's section all have a weekend away
and spend the evening in the pub
then get caught short on the walk back to the campsite and stop off in the woods

anyway - in case it was not obvious my birth certificate says I am 65
or - according to my Mum - I will be at 10:30 tonight

She was desperate for me to be born before midnight so my birthday would be the same as my GranDad's

or so I was told - I don't remember that bit

Have a Great Day !


Hello fellow retirees, I’m on day 3 of my retirement and drawing my works pension since March 1st.

66 later this year so lets see what paying NI for 43 years gets me :smile:

I say on day 3 because that’s it…. For a variety of reasons it’s back to work full time tomorrow.

It was fun while it lasted :smile:.
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