- Location
- Somewhere wet & hilly in NW England.
Right well
It my Birthday
otehrwise known as "The day I SHOULD have been getting my old age pension"
before the government - dunno which one - changed the ages
OK - only 1 year at the moment - but ....
I was wondering about starting a male equivalent of the women's WASPI campaign -
but that would be called MASPI
which sound more like something that happens when the CycleChat Retirement Thread men's section all have a weekend away
and spend the evening in the pub
then get caught short on the walk back to the campsite and stop off in the woods
anyway - in case it was not obvious my birth certificate says I am 65
or - according to my Mum - I will be at 10:30 tonight
She was desperate for me to be born before midnight so my birthday would be the same as my GranDad's
or so I was told - I don't remember that bit
Happy 65th to you. Have a good one!
Re State Pension age changes.
Way back when we started our financial planning spreadsheet (2000-ish) we had 'budgeted' for Mrs SD's SP starting at age 60 in 2023.
Now, she won't get it until 2030 at a 'cost' to us of c£70000.
Well, we can't do politics here but, I think I can safely say, these 'stealth taxes' are utterly abhorrent. Especially those that occur relatively late in life.