The front garden has been turned over with a border fork and many weeds and dead stumps of plants have been confined to the green bin. It looks a lot tidier now.
3 loads of washing done, and out on the line, it's a nice drying day today.
I have found a packet of mushrooms and some creme fraiche in the fridge that needs using up, so a lovely mushroom strogonoff for tea tonight.
@welsh dragon I'll be thinking of you as I cook it knowing how much you love mushrooms 😁
3 loads of washing done, and out on the line, it's a nice drying day today.
I have found a packet of mushrooms and some creme fraiche in the fridge that needs using up, so a lovely mushroom strogonoff for tea tonight.
@welsh dragon I'll be thinking of you as I cook it knowing how much you love mushrooms 😁