The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
The front garden has been turned over with a border fork and many weeds and dead stumps of plants have been confined to the green bin. It looks a lot tidier now.
3 loads of washing done, and out on the line, it's a nice drying day today.
I have found a packet of mushrooms and some creme fraiche in the fridge that needs using up, so a lovely mushroom strogonoff for tea tonight.
@welsh dragon I'll be thinking of you as I cook it knowing how much you love mushrooms 😁


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
The Oscars. Who actually gives a hoot about these?

Not me, for one.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The front garden has been turned over with a border fork and many weeds and dead stumps of plants have been confined to the green bin. It looks a lot tidier now.
3 loads of washing done, and out on the line, it's a nice drying day today.
I have found a packet of mushrooms and some creme fraiche in the fridge that needs using up, so a lovely mushroom strogonoff for tea tonight.
@welsh dragon I'll be thinking of you as I cook it knowing how much you love mushrooms 😁

xx( xx( xx(

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Oddly, I was thinking pretty much the same thing this morning. Self defining/perpetuating closed circle, or somesuch, with little broader relevance. Still, "makes for good television" I suppose and I'm not about to advocate scraping it or the like. Just not for me.

I heard a couple of names mentioned and I had no idea who the hell they were.


(looks at clock) ...afternoon all.
Sat in the garden, sun is shining, it feels a lot warmer than it actually is . Just had a Lidl 'ancient grains' roll with ham cheese onion and pickle and a cuppa. Fabulous, I'll be having some more of them, one of the nicest rolls I've had in a long time.
Steady day today, kids at school till 3, I'm going to have a potter in the garden.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I heard a couple of names mentioned and I had no idea who the hell they were.

Same here.

I don't watch Strictly, etc, or Awards Various prog's, but do stumble across the names of participants/recipients in my News feeds and, like you, haven't got a clue who the majority are.

Ditto, Social Media Influencers, YouTubers and Gamers. Not a clue

Ooops! Forgot K-pop stars - who are mostly young women singing awful songs whilst dressed in very micro-mini-skirts. No clue who they are either.

As an aside but related to the previous paragraph, I have noticed that Mrs SD (who has nice legs) has lowered her hemline over the years and has gone from pretty racey to a more modest few inches above the knee. She is, wisely I think. Not doing "mutton dressed up as lamb". :smile:

Also, knickers seem to be 'more sensible' these days too. Although, mercifully, she has not ventured into Bloomers territory! :laugh:


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Judging from the coverage on the news

it is basically a parade of dresses as an advert for the designers

It is possible that some men have got awards as well - but you wouldn;t know it half the time!!!

That reminds me...

... what did you mean by "first proper girlfriend"?

I know what we mean by 'first proper girlfriend/boyfriend' here, ie first person you had sex with.
That reminds me...

... what did you mean by "first proper girlfriend"?

I know what we mean by 'first proper girlfriend/boyfriend' here, ie first person you had sex with.

It depends on who said it
personally I would think of it as any person who you had a romantic relationship with that lasted more than a couple of dates

whether that ended up in bed ( other locations are available which may or may not include a old mini!!) or not


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
It depends on who said it
personally I would think of it as any person who you had a romantic relationship with that lasted more than a couple of dates

whether that ended up in bed ( other locations are available which may or may not include a old mini!!) or not

Oh, I see. Thanks.
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