The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Good day to each and all.
A balmy 2° here.
A decent sleep considering I was in bed very early.
Not a lot on today but the guy doing the bathroom may be here......he has has the upchucking virus for the last week.


Good morning. Well another day dawns. It's supposed to be grey, dull and 6⁰. My window suggests it could turn out bright, sunny and 6⁰. The plan for today? Bike ride. I'm trying to make all my rides 50+ miles. Generally that's not a problem but when time is short it means setting off an hour early to get an extra 12-13 while battling in Monday morning traffic etc. Finding the motivation to do this is difficult. I have a PT session at 3.30pm meaning I must be home by 2.00pm to get cleaned up etc. As we don't meet till 9.30 that only allows 4⅓ hours ride and coffee time. My PT is a good friend and fellow cycling nut but she wouldn't appreciate a sweaty cyclist in her pristine gym! Nor would I be so rude as to do that.

Now I have two important emails to compose.

That is my day. :hello::hello:


back and brave
Clear and bright, a chilly 2 C this morn.

I've just seen the neighbour's cat, it's probably taken a dump in our garden somewhere. Not pleasant to find, not at all. How does one stop that? I've tried inspiring our dog to do the cartoon dog thing of chasing cats but there's no apparent interest.
Today's plan

firstly SWMBO's son is coming round for a visit this morning after he has dropped the kids off at school
or kicked them out and shoved them in the the direction of the train station in the case of the eldest

which is nice

I presume that it is something to do with it bing my birthday tomorrow and she can;t get out on her own so a parcel will probably be sneaked in when I am not looking
but I don;t know about that

which is a handy reminder that it is her birthday in 13 days time

Have I mentioned that when we first met she LIED to me and said she was 2 weeks younger than me
(1 day - but whatever - she is still the only "proper girlfriend" I have ever had that is younger than me!!!)

after that Tesco - or maybe ASDA


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
My wife's 1st (private) pension payment hit the bank account last month. A strange feeling in itself. Are we officially old now?

No. Not unless you are >70 years old according to my GP.

We found it strange when shifting from a combination of earned + passive to purely passive income.

Almost felt wrong to not having to earn anything via work, anymore.
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