I got a ninja air fryer a while ago and so far only use it for making chips ( which are absolutely gorgeous) and sparingly use it cause its a fierce temptation to slide down the slippery slope and become dependant on it. glad i bought it though as I'm crazy about chips sprinkled with cider vinegar and salt
I use my Ninja most dinner times
It is great for sausages
and the other day I used it with the temperature probe to do chicken breasts
just brushed the breasts with oil and rammed the probe in
and it was amazing
Ok OK OK - Drago - calm down
and Dave - just take some dried frog pills or something
Welshie - put that wand down
and Mo - NO - just don't
anyway - back to cooking
I brushed then with a mixture of oil and "stuff in jars in the cupboard" and it was gorgeous"
tried the same this evening with gammon - no herbs etc as SWMBO is off the diet jabs and wanted dinner as well
but - SOOO much better that the grill
for some things