He is my grandson not my employee. If there comes a time when I can't feed him, it will be time for me to not be here. And he does things like bring stuff back from the shops if I need them.
We have 7 grandchildren (5 girls, 2 boys). Ages range from 9 - 31. Their parents are all reasonably affluent, so, no “need” for the grandchildren to have part-time jobs, when they get to teenage years. Four of the girls have passed the teenage years, one of them had a part-time job (McD). The two boys (coming up to 15 & 16) one SAYS he is going to get a part-time job, the other, not so sure (although, he did help me paint the garden fence). I have no idea if there is a correlation, but, so far, only the McD grand daughter (20) appears to be showing any real money sense (she actually has savings!), and, any drive to achieve anything. She has just won a placement to study in Japan for three months.
Based on my own, not always successful, parenting strategies, I have serious doubts if it makes any difference whatsoever. 😂