I think so
I am seeing a proper head person later this week so I will find out more then
at the moment I am getting better and am generally OK so that's good
but it is just a case of waiting to see for now
As I said to my wife - this is all wrong - she is supposed to be the sick one - not me!
She called me a facilitator!! (probably accurate!)
Sorry to go on about
but I have lost something else
credit card PIN has gone - mind you I can remember the other 2 from the 2 debit cards and the credit card one was always loosly hooked on - I forgot it about once a year anyway!!!
in other news I went out - sans car - to ASDA to get a prescription for my wife
when I got back she said she had been worried about me and given that I had forgotten my PIN then she would like to try another test
and see if I could remember how she likes crumpets made
NOT that she wants some crumpets - but that she is worried about me and wants to check something out
I think she would have really been worried if I hadn;t spotted that sly sideways request for crumpets!!