On to more cheery matters. Good Morning. Dry and cold. We have a heavy frost and it's currently -2⁰. The sky is clear and we are forecast for a beautiful day. Not much on really. I need to do my stretching soon before I head out for a spin class at 9.30. This afternoon it's the monthly u3a Film Club that I run. I'm a little nervous as we will be watching a film that I only find mildly interesting. Mark Rylance in "Phantom of the Open". Mrs P says, and she's quite right about this, I shouldn't only show films that I enjoy/think are good. This one has been suggested by a member of the group.
I've been scrounging for shelving units, old cupboards etc for my new shed. A neighbour has offered me a couple of unwanted B&Q units. I have to collect those later today. And that is it. Exciting day.
Speaking of films, I watched "Number 24" last night. A Norwegian film based on the life of Gunnar Sonsteby, I don't think I could call it biographical. Gunnar was a leading fighter in the Norwegian resistance and is/was the most highly decorated Norwegian civilian. There is necessary violence in the film but it is not a graphic or violent film. The approach to the story telling is very interesting, it's worth watching for this alone.