Afternoon all . Just back from the sailing club.
I’m getting fed up with how the current weather pattern has been for the last month on Sundays . It’s been all or nothing , either 3mph or 30+mph . We got to the club today and it’s was already 20mph and with forecast saying it was going to hit 40mph by the start of the race and I bailed 😀 ( mrs exlaser didn’t even bother to bring her sailing gear with her😁 ).
I volunteered to do my friends rescue duty as he loves sailing when it windy . Three hardy souls made the start and the wind surprisingly stayed at around 20mph . But suddenly seconds after the end of the race, we had the forecasted wind of 40+ mph and we really struggled to get the boats off the water. It was so windy it actually blow one of the boats off its launching trolly as we were packing up.
Oh well at least the clubhouse was warm , the wine was cold and the company was good.
Have a good evening folks