I will never be surprised by people's carelessness and stupidity. This afternoon , the police had to come and stop a man from wind surfing on a raging sea. Pure madness and complete lack of commonsense.
Yup - As soon as I saw the wind forecast I thought the Police will have to be out to stop people trying to windsurf at West Kirby marine lake
I don;t even know if they still do it there but every weekend there used to be groups of people on them as the water just inside the sea wall was perfectly flat so just right for high speeds
However, you are supposed to use a bit of common sense regarding general safety on the water
which always used to be a problem there in really bad weather
(i know because it was fine to walk my dog there on the sand on the other side of the lake (towards Red Rocks for locals!) so I saw the Police road blocks etc when I went home)