The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I've been pottering and experimenting with paracord, not on Mr WD I night add :laugh:

I am watching Hampstead on Netflix.


Ah well - it had to come along sooner or later I suppose

Yes - the advert with Jonny Depp playing the guitar in the desert had just been on the telly

I don;y know how much he got for making it but if he gets a cut every time it is shown then that must be more than everything else he has ever earned!!!

Is he advertising something smelly? A blast from the past on Thursday when a chap squeezed past me in the theatre to get to his seat in the middle of the row. He was wearing copious amounts of Aramis.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Is he advertising something smelly? A blast from the past on Thursday when a chap squeezed past me in the theatre to get to his seat in the middle of the row. He was wearing copious amounts of Aramis.

Could have been worse. Could have been Brut33.
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