The Retirement Thread

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In other news I had a visit from the Hedgehog Lady who runs a Hedgehog Rescue group and through whom I got my Hedgehog house ( I learned that they are hand made by a lady who lives on the Isle of Portland which is apparently a hedgehog haven ) She had seen the footage of the occupant of our hedgehog house and came round to have a look and offer advice. She was very complimentary about what I have done so far, and brought round " Buster " an orphan she is rearing.


Right - finished watching "Good Girl's Guide to Murder"

and done some of the Time Trial

also must fix - somehow - the laptop as the mouse pad was going crazy last night and the first mouse I tried was rubbish on the sofa fabric
maybe leaving it will have dispursed the static - or sometimes I need to wipe it with screen cleaner
but maybe the whole laptop is getting a bit past it - several other things don;t work anymore - bit like me

have to start sorting out SWMBO soon as I need to get her up and awake in time to go out and take the grand daughter climbing
she does like her Gran to come along rather than just me - she feels she can say thing to her that she can't say to me and apparently Grans are better at feelings and stuff
not been possible recently due to "stuff" and her not being well

anyway - that is this afternoon planned

I am hoping to have enough energy left to go for at least a short ride when we get back - dunno if I will but putting it on here might make me more determined rather than collapse on the sofa!

Dave - hope you are getting treated well and they are helping
thinking of you but the message saying so last night didn;t appear on here for some reason (I think my mouse was b*******d!)

anyway -


pedalling tediously
Morning. It’s a lovely morning here but was a tad nippy when I went out at 5am.

Just shy of 29 miles bimbled at a rather slow 12.4mph, but there were a few lumps and bumps to get my lardy arse up :laugh:

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Great Mo ! hats off to you m'lady , sometimes I go out at 5 am and its a wonderful feeling. Unfortunately I am hardly able for many early rides like in the past but I love having the world to yourself ! You have wonderful scenery where you live


Legendary Member
Good morning Dave, the hedgehog house that I have came from a small Hedgehog charity/ group in Blandford Dorset. I know the lady who volunteers there. Their hedgehog houses are handmade by a guy who uses old pallet wood, though it's all planed and finished so well I think he must be a retired cabinet maker! I'm not sure about the commercially available ones, I can ask the hedgehog lady and see if she has any knowledge.

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We've put one in our garden and set ap a trail cam, so far we've seen mice, cats and foxes but no hedgehogs. My eldest swears he's seen them in the garden though.
The climbing was cancelled for $reasons - I suspect the grand daughter was upset - but we were not there to see

anyway - as it is school holidays we will try to take her tomorrow!

Anyway - instead I went for a ride
which was good - forgot to take a drink so HAD to stop at a cafe which happened to sell really nice Ice Cream!!!

one annoying thing
just a few miles in I was riding along a tow path on the canal in Runcorn
There was a man - about 50 ish - walking in front of my and in the same direction

I rode up normally and slowed and rang my bell - as usual
zero reaction - which is not unknown - so I slowed more and said "Excuse me please"

he moved aside and said "Oh sorry"

as I passed him I noticed he was looking at by bike and as I got just past him he said
"I notice that you DO have a bell on your bike" - in a critical manner

I am 99.9% certain he was not saying "well done for having a proper warning device"
but was criticising me for not using it

which I had done - and it is not a quiet bell of one that just gives a single brief ding

almost wish I had stopped and said I noticed he had ears on his head

I was muttering under mu breat for ages after that!!!
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