The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Why have the feet on the left got six toes on them?

Lincolnshire feet, YouTube Inbred and proud by the Billinghay Ruffs, it is a song worth listening too.
I'm confused
I went to bed about 11:30 last night - which is about normal
just as SWMBO - who sleeps weird hours and can;t normalise - was just starting up "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" as she hadn;t realised the time
she was lookign forward to it so I said to watch it and I will catch up when I get up

but coming down it doesn;t seem to have been watched
so do I
a) watch it and then find out she didn;t watch it and is upset because she wanted us to watch it together
b) not watch it and she will be upset I said I would and didn;t



Legendary Member
I'm confused
I went to bed about 11:30 last night - which is about normal
just as SWMBO - who sleeps weird hours and can;t normalise - was just starting up "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" as she hadn;t realised the time
she was lookign forward to it so I said to watch it and I will catch up when I get up

but coming down it doesn;t seem to have been watched
so do I
a) watch it and then find out she didn;t watch it and is upset because she wanted us to watch it together
b) not watch it and she will be upset I said I would and didn;t


Simple, break the tv, then you have an excuse.


I'm confused
I went to bed about 11:30 last night - which is about normal
just as SWMBO - who sleeps weird hours and can;t normalise - was just starting up "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" as she hadn;t realised the time
she was lookign forward to it so I said to watch it and I will catch up when I get up

but coming down it doesn;t seem to have been watched
so do I
a) watch it and then find out she didn;t watch it and is upset because she wanted us to watch it together
b) not watch it and she will be upset I said I would and didn;t


You can't make the right choice in this situation. 🤣
But how can I watch the Time Trial?????

p.s. when my duaghter was little the TV broke one day. Like most kids (probably about 7 or so) so always wanted to watch too much TV
but we were always dragging her out for walks and reading and making things and stuff

After a few days I somehow fixed the telly - but we didn;t tell her - just left it switched off at the plug all day and put it back on after she went to bed

We did that for about 4 years - every summer and she never realised!
until one day I was doing something in the kitchen and she came through and said she had been burrowing under the table teh telly was on and had - to her amazement - discovered that the plug was not switched on so she had switched it on and the telly worked now!!!

She was SOOOO pleased that she had fixed it
she was about 10 by then!

don;t think she ever realised that it was only ever broken for a day or so
or that we had changed telly in that period of time and the new one always broke in summer as well

to be fair - I was a teacher at the time so lying to kids was easy!!!!


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Anatomy of a day:

Hissing down.

Mrs SD has gone for coffee with a friend.

Shower room needs cleaning - great!

I need to do some Spotify curating.

Mrs SD wants me to change my old-fashioned wedding ring for a much more modern titanium one. I like them but she has suggested it as I bought her a nice new gold 'infinity' necklace yesterday and she is feeling guilty as we have had, for various reasons, a very spendy month thus far. So I can surf a bit to see what's available out there.

And, I have a great book that I am reading on my Kindle.

Party night tonight, so that will be fun.


As an aside and on the techno-luddite theme... my mate was visiting earlier in the week and we were setting some dates up. He was looking at his diary on his phone and I wanted to get a date in for Nov.

He said his diary didn’t go that far. Intrigued, I asked why.

It transpires that he takes photos of his calendar hanging on his kitchen wall and he hadn't done Nov as there is nothing on it yet. *!*!

Apparently, Google Calender is a step too far!
I’ve had two walks. Think that will do me. I will watch the cycling time trials this afternoon.
I love watching the Olympics but wish they would concentrate more on the action and less on the pundits in the studio prattling on.

I watched some of the air rifle shooting

without the commentators prattling it would have been REALLY boring
one shot - no real sound just a white dot appears on a target
wait some more
another shot - i.e. anotehr white dot appear on another electronic target
camera zooms in on a slightly disappointed "athlete" - after all - top level air rifle people don;t get to the top by being over excitable and emotional

interesting - but not much of a spectator sport
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