The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I’ve lost a whole pound this week :laugh: Better than nothing I suppose. It would take me around 4 months to lose what I want at that rate.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My daughter has had a lot of work done on her garden and they have made a pond, so they want some weed and plants. Enter mum and dad to the rescue. :laugh:


Legendary Member
My daughter has had a lot of work done on her garden and they have made a pond, so they want some weed and plants. Enter mum and dad to the rescue. :laugh:

Big enough for fish? I love when I visit dad’s old neighbour as he has had a pond in his garden for years. I’m sure he said some of his Koi were around 30 years old. Could that be right?


Morning all . Off out cycling in a min , that’s makes three weeks in a row now . It’s amazing what a telling of from a doctor can to one’s resolve. 😂😂.
I’ve been told,a month ago, I have the early stages of a fatty liver disease, so have been advised to 1) drink less alcohol, 2) eat less ( lose weight ) and 3 ) exercise more .
Progress so.
1) Easy, alcohol consumption halved to 10 units a week and more alcohol free days to give the liver more time to recover. ( Doctor very happy with this level of consumption 😀)
3) Going ok, cycling at least once a week and volunteering 2 to 3 a week instead of 1 to 2 times . ( All the groups l volunteer for are for wildlife groups so involve a lot of land management so are all physical.)
2) No going quite so well, I have lost about 4 pounds so far, only at least 2 more stone to go . My problem is I do love the big three, Cake, Crisps and Chocolate 😂😀
Anyway wish me luck cycling as I am finding rides over 20 miles are murder. I used to do that with out thinking, shows how unfit I have got ☹️
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